P90X or Slim Series??


Which is better? Anyone done both? What is the difference in type of training, and anyone get results? I am always just curious! LOL
I have heard that the slim series is boring and that px90 neglects the lower body...that's all I can tell ya tho...I have never done either myself...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
They are very different, and complement each other, IMO. P90X stresses muscular strength and growth, with minimal cardio to not burn up the muscles. It is also a very complete system, with stretching, yoga, plyometrics, gym-style (actual gym style!) weight work, etc. The lower body workout uses light or no weights, and I found that it did tone my legs, but wasn't enough for my glutes/hamstring area. Next time I do P90X, I plan to alternate between the P90X leg workout and something like GSL, which I think would be a great addition to the program.

Slim series workouts are very similar to each other, and are boring if you follow their rotation (doing an SS workout every day). They are all based on using light or no weight, and doing many reps. It's particularly good, IMO, for keeping the lower body slim. The stretch workout (which is more than stretching, more of a "recovery" as it includes some knee stabilization and some spinal extensor work) is excellent! The choreography (if you can even call it that!~) is minimal: very simple isolated moves. I sometimes can't bring myself to do anything BUT this kind of workout. I don't have to think about it, I can use my own music ( there is a "music off" option on all the workouts, as there is with P90X), and I follow the beat of the music and do whatever they are doing for the amount of time they are doing it.

To me, P90X is one of the best fitness investments I've ever made. SS is nice to have around, and I do go back to it regularly. Except for "Firm it up" (all lower body work), I have a hard time keeping the workouts straight!
I've done both and personally like Slim Series best. P90X is basically for strength and the Slim Series is for toning. There's weights involved in SS but she uses light weights with many reps to build definition rather than strength. So, really depends on what you're looking for. Hope that helps...
I haven't done the slim series but I have tried P90X and it is not only for strength it does provide definition. The workout is very much like Kathryn has already stated, I think P90X is one of the best workouts I've ever invested in.
oh this is good info! i just asked a question about P90X in open....

i just got slim series and do NOT like it! i've lost fitness in only 3 days with it! :( x(

i'm thinking of trying P90X but i'm concerned about whether i'll stick to an actual rotation (i'm not a rotation kind of girl)

P90X does seem to be the only workout out there that is equivalent intensity to cathe!

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I am looking for a super great toner for the lower body! SOmething to really slim down the legs. Not really looking for strength, I just bought S&H. The cardio in Slim Series sounds like a waste of time, but it might be worth it to have for the lower body work and to tone my arms some more, although I have Cathe for that. Too bad you cannot just buy the lower body tape and stretch tape :(

Thanks so much! I hate wasting my money on dvds that I won't use, and am really debating my next purchase. CTX comes first, and I really want that lower body workout on slim series! hmmmmmmmmm.......
i think you can buy just single ones.. but it's kinda not worth it!

find a 20% off coupon (i got one from ya yas)... you have 30 days to try it... then can return it (minus the 9.95 shipping) if you don't like it.. which is what i'm doing....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I don't have Slim Series, but I've read many reviews that say it's boring. It's more of endurance, while P90X targets strength.

I have P90X and like it a lot. I'd like to find a way to mix the P90X workouts with Cathe's workouts.

i'd like to see some of the rotations!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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