I got it, never used it. I started my Vegan way of life at the same time as my 1st P90X rotation...Good luck Shelly, have you started a rotation yet?....
Shelley, I've got 8 pages of the plan scanned. I went through and just scanned the pertinent pages that tell you how many servings of what you are supposed to eat. I just have to send each of the 8 pages individually... does that matter to you?
Carole - I'm doing the Classic rotation. I'm at the end of week 2. However, I haven't taken a rest day yet. I'm supposed to take one tomorrow. I'm not sure I can! I'm so bad at rest days. Do you think it matters?
Shelley...I am not sure I took a rest day either. I did my long runs on Sunday which was the rest day on my rotation. If you are feeling not too beat, don't sweat it. You have a stretch day coming up on your recovery week 4...that will help..
I had wondered how your hip was doing...Recovery week I thought was fun....gave the muscles a rest and I still got really good results. Don't be scared....
I'm really glad you asked about this. I've been reading the old threads about P90X because I finally just ordered it off ebay and it doesnt come with the nutrition plan either. I was also one of the last to order bffm I think didnt get it until last Christmas. I'm very excited about starting the rotation. I figured it would help me with the cathe preorder waiting. I didn't have trouble with the waiting until they started blogging. That is when the waiting got tough in my opinion.
I didn't use it, but one of the recipes looked good. If I can find it, you're welcome to have it for a SASE.
It's a phased plan, with higher protein/lower carbs at the beginning, and adding more carbs later on.
The only diet changes I made were to have a recovery drink (not theirs, just a smoothie with similar macronutrient proportions and calories) after my weight workkouts, and to make a bit cleaner choices.
>Recovery week. *gulp* The whole thought of that scares me!
I think the rests and recoveries in P90X are an essential part of the program. But maybe that depends more on body type. As mainly an ectomorph, I found they were very important. Maybe mesomorphs don't need as much?
I highly suggest you follow the classic rotation 'as-is' for at least the first 5 weeks, just to see how it works for you. You might be surprised at how effective the rests/recovery are. Tony's done his research, and if a rest day weren't a good idea, he wouldn't put it in.
You can 'stretch' on your 'rest' day, so you won't feel like you've done nothing.
And the recovery week goes by really quickly and you WON'T lose any gains you've made. Trust Tony!