It's gloomy and rainy here today:-( So much for that natural high. LOL Oh, well, maybe I'll get some projects done that I have had on my procrastination list - or maybe not.
Well, Wendy, since you haven't posted yet, I'm hoping that you got a good night's sleep.
Nancy - hoping you are feeling better today too!
For those of you who are feeling well - Diana, Marcia, Laura, and anyone else that I forgot - Have a great Saturday and a rockin workout!!
I am feeling a bit better this morning! Not perfect but better so that's a good thing. Falling asleep last night was rough because I was very congested at first but eventually I cleared up and was fine. I ended up being able to breathe the entire rest of the night. LOL
I am hoping to get to the gym this morning for a run! I think I will pick up my X rotation where I left off on Monday! }(
Angie, Sorry about the doom and gloom. I hate weather like that. So depressing. So what's on your work out agenda today?
Mornin Wendy! Glad you are feeling better.;-) I was jarred awake this morning by a barking beagle:-( Squirrels are visiting the birdfeeder on the balcony again and chasing each other. The dog, believe it or not, actually knows not to bark when I am sleeping - but she just couldn't resist the running squirrels. So, here I am again drinking coffee, surfing the web and cracking up at the squirrels.....the dog went back to bed}(
Glad to hear you feel good enough to start the X again on Monday. I still haven't decided what workout I'll do today. It will be a Cathe - just not sure which one. Usually I do an easier one on Saturday, so maybe step fit or the wedding workout. One of these days I also need to try the cardioX workout. It has never been in my DVD player - I should really try it.
If I workout at all today it will have to be after the party. My 19 yr old is having some friends over today an dh and I have been preparing food for a bunch of teenagers.
Angie-It's rainy and gloomy here in Denver today too. I need to work on my procrastination list also. I have this terrible habit of taking everything (mail, catalogs, kids homework,) off the kitchen table and putting it on my dresser. For some unknown reason I think I need to look through it all. When company comes over the table looks nice, but my dresser-that's a whole 'nother story.
Wendy-You finally got a good nights rest. That can really help a lot. Hope you continue feeling better and getting back to the X