P90X clips?


I guess I'm a dope. I'm trying to find P90X clips, of the actual workout. All they have on their website is clips of the guy *talking* about the workout. I saw on YouTube a clip where he's making a guy and a girl do pushups...is that it? I was hoping to see a few minutes of what the actual workout is, like how Cathe shows clips of her workouts. I'm thinking this would be great for my husband, but would like to see what I'm buying first. Thanks!
I know YouTube has clips of the NEW work outs..P90X+ but I don't know if there are clips of the original X there. Perhaps someone else can help you with that. At any rate, there are no clips on the BB site...that I know.

Sorry I couldn't help more.

ETA: I just looked and there are lots of clips entitled "The making of..." so they may give you and idea of what to expect but as far as clips from the actual work outs I did not see any except for the new ones.

I'm an independent coach for Million Dollar Body and if you would like I can send you a couple of promo videos for P90X if you want to PM me your email address. My husband and I both did our first round at the beginning of this year and are now doing are second and LOVING it. It truly is a great series.

All the Best!

Thanks Jess! I finally got around to getting the P90X pull up bar and I can not believe the difference:eek: I don't think I've ever had DOMS like that before in my life!

All the best with round 3 :)

I'm thinking I'm going to have to get the BB pullup bar w/ the P90X+ workouts. My brother has RAVED about the bar. My dh made me a pullup bar in the garage, but it would be nice to have one in the house so I don't have to run up the stairs & out to the garage for each set! ;-)

Good luck to you too!
I went to collagevideo.com and tried to look up the P90 workout clips. I got a message saying that they do not endorse P90 workouts and will not show their video clips because the P90 series promotes the use of supplements to enhance a person's workout. I know this isn't really related to your question, but I thought you might find it interesting.

>I went to collagevideo.com and tried to look up the P90
>workout clips. I got a message saying that they do not
>endorse P90 workouts and will not show their video clips
>because the P90 series promotes the use of supplements to
>enhance a person's workout. I know this isn't really related
>to your question, but I thought you might find it interesting.

Hi Jill.

Very interesting. I've never tried to pull up the X on collage as I don't think it's sold anywhere but the BB site unless you get it used off Ebay or something.


My thoughts on what Collage has to say is that if you do not believe in supplementation then simply do not purchase the supplements. It's as simple as that! It does not mean that the program is faulty or unsafe or not effective. I used the X w/o supplements and got AWESOME results!

I sincerely hope what Collage wrote does not affect your decision to purchase the program.

JMO. :)

Not at all...I agree with you...don't buy the supplements if you don't want them!!! In fact, I think collage's reasoning is kind of silly.
> In fact, I think collage's reasoning
>is kind of silly.

I kind of think it's not the real reason (if they were so 'anti-supplement,' would they offer some packages that come with a free 7-day supply of some supplemet, as some Tae Bo and Firm packages did).

I think BB just wants to retain exclusive sales of their products, and Collage has no choice (or BB didn't offer them a large enough wholesale discount).

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