P90X Check In Week of May 22nd


Hey All -

Decided to make a weekly thread - but don't forget to check in daily!!!

I have Chest, Shoulders and Arms and Triceps today. I'm looking forward to that. Depending on the weather (wind or no wind), I'll either follow it up with a 4 mile run or perhaps my Spinervals tape. We'll see. I'm going to "try" to work from home today. There are only 4 of us, and if someone else calls in sick, I'd feel too bad to stay at home.

Kathryn - thanks so much for the nutrional information. I'm going to start changing things around in my diet. I don't get too sore, but I'd like to up my energy levels.
I'll be doing P90X chest, shoulders and triceps just as Christine will. I'll also do some abs and run 4 or 5 miles. I don't work on Mondays, but there is some housework around here I desparately need to do!!

Have a great day P90Xers!
Odd - seems to be the w/o of choice - or coincidence today. I'm also on for chest, shoulders and tris. This is my last week of lifting and next week is my recovery week - then I'll have made it through all 13 weeks of Tony. I've never been able to stick to a rotation before but this one I did as specified. I think I'll do a few weeks of Cathe circuit and then return for another go-round of Tony. Carole - DH wants to follow ETL. Was it hard for your DH to make the switch? I seem to recall that your thought was to transition to it slowly but that it was your DH who suggested just doing it. Enjoy bringing it with CS&T Christine and Carole, and with whatever all who follow choose!

Lorrie...my DH is pretty easy as he eats about anything I cook! You remembered correctly, DH was the one that suggested we jump right into Vegan. I would say it was an easy adjustment after the 1st 2 weeks of detox!! Now though my DH does consume some dairy (cheese and sour cream) I stick with the Vegan versions of those 2 things. I think it is great your DH wants to try it...Good Luck...:)
Okay....so as I stated in another thread the one armed and plyo push ups about killed me!! I did forget how tough this workout was, but it does feel good right now...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/fsc/clap2.gif[/img]

Hope all your workouts were good ones...:)
Those get me every time. I actually find the plyo easier than the one armed. Can't do either on my toes - YET...

Good job Carole!
Christine, I think the plyo is easier too....not sure I have ever done those 2 on my toes!!!

Instead if PlyoX I'll be doing a 6 mile tempo run and PLB standing.

Have a good day P90Xers...
Morning -

I am still here - but havent posted in a week or so. This morning was supposed to be PlyoX - but I did TJ Cardio Party #2 instead. Thinking about an additional workout at lunch - but we will see. I am in my 11th week of P90X. Seeing some changes- but wanting to see more so really focusing on my eating right now. I really think carbs are more of a problem for me - so using the BFFM model - I am doing a higher protien version, lower fat - lots of salads and chicken. So - hoping for some even better results. T-minus 2 months til the High School reunion!
Yesterday was "stretch/rest," but I did ab work instead (makes up for some of those "Ab skipper" days!).
Kathryn - I had my own Ab Skipper day last week. It felt wonderful! LOL.

I did LowMax Pinky style - today instead of Plyo X - I wanted to get in some heavy weight work. My legs are FRIED! But it's a good workout.

Anne - welcome back! We're glad you're posting again!
Today is my rest day...ya!!Tomorrow I start my recovery week. Looking forward to that. Even though this phase I is taking me alittle longer. I looked it over, I might add some running. I begin a new soccer league in a few weeks, want to pick up the cardio a little:)

Anne..I'm trying to focus more on the eating thing too. I don't feel that well on too many carbs either. For some reason, I always feel very heavy and left with a 'blaah' feeling. I've been trying to include more protein. Not totally elimating carbs.

Carole...I do some vegan too. I don't do much milk...I prefer soymilk, less sugar too. Do you eat egg whites??

Christine....like the idea of once a week. But, still checking in. Makes me feel like I have to be accountable!

Bring it:)
>Carole...I do some vegan too. I don't do much milk...I prefer
>soymilk, less sugar too. Do you eat egg whites??
>Bring it:)
Alicia....I stay away from all animal protein (unless it is a hidden ingredient I don't know about!!), so no egg whites. I always enjoyed the recovery weeks. I think P90X goes well with a little running...:)
I was going through Cathe withdrawal, so instead of Plyo X I opted for LowMax and a 2-mile steady state incline walk. Felt soooooo good to do a Cathe again. I've got to back off of that everyday interval stuff. I'm on for back and biceps tomorrow, which is my favorite P90X. Enjoy whatever you do!

Lorrie...I always missed Cathe during P90X too! I would like to do PlyoX but right now it just doesn't fit in with running...:(

I'll be also doing Back & Biceps, abs and a 5 mile run.

Enjoy your workouts...:)
Good Morning and Happy hump day!

Today was SHoulders and Arms - such a good workout, and since this is my 11th week - have a fully completed form!!! :) Nice to see all those colums fill up and my weights up quite a bit from the first. I will get in some additional cardio at lunch - probably TJ Fat Blaster - that one goes by so quickly! :)

Have a great day!!!
Yesterday (Tuesday) I did 1/2 of P90X Chest/Back ( I should have taken an extra day off, or a cardio day, which is what I did sometimes when I did this the first time around). I just wasn't ready for C/B yesterday.

I followed this with the 'body weight' segment of Mindy's "All About Abs." There were some push-ups in there (core-focused ones), so I didn't feel quite so bad about skipping 1/2 of C/B! I'll be glad to get to round 2, where the chest and back work is split up (but I'll miss "Shoulders and arms." :(

>I do some vegan too... Do you eat egg whites??

Alicia, you seem confused about what 'vegan' means: no animal products (no eggs, milk, gelatin, etc.).
Hi guys. Today I did back and biceps with ab ripper - as called for. Going to try to get in a 5-mile run this afternoon, but 2-yr old DS decided to snooze early. (I usually run when he snoozes in the afternoon). So if I'm going to run I'll need to get creative with a way to entertain him - any thoughts?

Bring it!

Hey all - yesterday was Back and Biceps - I really enjoy this one! I did bicep curls with 22 pound weights for the first time ever! I was so stoked!!!

Today I woke up seriously dehydrated (ate Mexican food - think it was too salty), so I spent the morning hydrating. If I don't get to take a break today, I'll count today as my rest day.

Thank you Carole and Kathryn for the 'vegan' clarifications;-)
So many people are doing partial this and partical that....just wasn't exactly sure.

yesterday, wed., was core syn. LOVED IT! I loved that you sweat in it too. Today was supposed to be KenpoX, but I still have alot of work to do and its already 7pm, I think tomorrow I will pickup again, and do Cathe KCP instead. As many, I fill like I need alittle Cathe.

This weekend my DH and I are celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary (I have a feeling that may seem not very long compared to some of you.). Just gotta say....boy, does it fly by! And like many of you, I love him more and more with each year:) OK, enough of that.

Keep working hard:)

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