P90X Check In for Tuesday April 25


Good Morning lovely ladies!

I'm early - in between books, and bored of the news. So, I decided to post early. I'm going to do IMax 2 today, instead of Plyo X. Missing Cathe already. :) No run for me today - DH is leaving for London tonight, so he's taking me to lunch (I'll have a nice salmon salad). I am feeling yesterdays' workout, but it's a really good feeling.

Alicia - I think most of us who have done L&B for the first time, take a day to do Kenpo X. LOL. L&B is killer! I can't wait to do it again on Friday!
Good morning Christine...that was the toughest for me in my 1st rotation was missing Cathe workouts. As much as I like P90X she has a higher addiction for me..:)..have a great lucnh!

I am doing legs today in my modified rotation, and a 6 mile tempo run.

Enjoy the day...:)
Morning Ladies! Can I join your checkin? I started the Classic rotation on Sat. I forgot how good these workouts are. I had finished a P90X rotation but that was so long ago. It feels good to do something different for a change. Tonight I have scheduled Yoga X. I probably will only hang in for 50 min. because the thought of doing 1 1/2 hrs. of yoga is not appealing. LOL I'll do Core Max (stability ball) first. I know what you mean by missing Cathe. I'll probably skip Plyo X next week in favor of IMAX 2.}(

Have a great day! Kathy:D
Good Morning everyone!

I needed a change this morning too and did Power 90 Cardio Intervals and the 20 min Turbo Jam instead of PlyoX. I really like PlyoX - but just needed that change today! The Cardio Intervals has a lot of the same moves as PlyoX too.

I am determined to get through as much of the Yoga this week as I can! I have two more days to get motivated for that :)

Have a great Tuesday!
Welcome Kathy! Hi Anne and Carole! How's it going?

I enjoy Plyo X as well and will do it next week, but just wanted a break this week. I'll probably sub PowerStrike 1 for Kenpo this week as well, unless I decide to get in my long run on Saturday (if I can even move after L&B!).

I'm subbing Rodney Yee's Power Yoga for Yoga X this week as well - (3 out of 6...), but it's shorter and has most of the same moves. And on IMax 2, I made sure jumped and clicked on all of those nasty Plyo jacks. I really think it's fine to sub as long as you are doing basically the same thing.
Good morning! I did Legs/Back = ab ripper today...fun w/out! Very different from Cathe! I need to do those sneaky lunges on my toes, I was on my heels half the time when I finally Heard Tony say get off your heels! Made note for next time. One legged squats on wall...owwie. I do feel like I need some more Cardio, but want to give my body time to adjust.

Christine - Glad you enjoyed Cathe today and have a great lunch out with DH. I bet you wish you could go to London with him!

Carole - sounds like you had a great lower body w/out today.

kathy - I know YogaX is longggg. Congrats for getting thru it.

Anne - change is good! Tip for Yogax - stay in the moment & listen to your breath. Helps me.

For the rest of you x'ers, have a great w/out!
Janet - I just added running to my rotation, and it's only day 2 and I'm whipped. I am not doing anything more than IMax 2 today. And it's a good thing I did that one - Plyo X I'd have had to talk myself through. IMax 2 I enjoy so much that it's easy to get through. So, I absolutely understand where you're coming from. This is tough stuff!

Funny - DH and I met through work when I lived in Maryland and he in California. Our second "official" date was in London. It was amazing. So London is a very special city for us. I do wish I could go. Oh well - 4 more years and the kids will all be in collage and I can travel with him. I can handle that.
Here I am checking in with you all again today. First, for those of you who have the TLT's I have to say I love the medial glute DOMS from BBBB - no other w/o gives me that wonderful feeling!

Today I was on for Yoga X, but 90 minutes seemed a little daunting, so I did Brian Kest. And again I'm singing Tony's praises for strength gains! I had so much more strength and depth in the poses than I ever have before. I did however find myself really wanting to go into reverse warrior from warrior 2 - so I'll do Tony's again later in the week. Then I did a 5-mile run.

Carole I thought you said you got your best results when you did 2 P90X rotations - is that right? If so, did you take any down time between them? Did you stick with the same series - classic, doubles, lean? Did you up your weights? (Hope that's not too many questions)

(Janet - don't you love to hate those 1-legged wall squats? )

Thanks all for letting me join in.

Hi ladies...haven't checked in for a few days, been really busy with work and school. Yesterday I did bodymax minus the upper body workout. It's been awhile since I've done any step, and it kicked my butt. No DOMS today, but it was hard! Today I went for a 2 mile walk with my son, and now I'm gonna do shoulders/arms and KPC.

Lorrie-how do you like Brian Kest? I have yet to attempt a yoga workout (aside from the small amount in cardio x)

Cathe should make a yoga dvd}(

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi Krystal. I really like Brian Kest, but I am by no means a yoga expert. Others on these boards are much better authorities. I had a Kathy Smith yoga w/o long ago, and didn't care for it much. Then when I found Brian Kest I LOVED his w/o's. I really like his voice and his instruction - and how long he holds the poses. Tony's yoga x w/o is very different from the limited others I've seen. To me it feels like a "sports jock gone yoga" - though that's not a bad thing. But even my DH likes the Brian Kest yoga - he feels it's good instruction and timing. Hope that helps.

Kathy H...welcome!!!....I had the same feeling when I started a P90X rotation after awhile...:)

Anne...changing a workout to one you really like isn't bad. I think most of us that have done P90X have done that!!

Janet...those sneaky lunges are difficult on the toes....I know my heel always wants to drop!

You are right Lorrie...BBBB does get those glutes nicely! I got my best results doing my 1st P90X rotation. As I also started my Vegan way of eating and 2 shocks to my body helped!! I did the Doubles first, and right after did the Lean, but I did add more weightlifting to the Lean. I did up my weights well in my 1st rotation....sounds like you are getting great strength gains...:)

Krystal...Bryan Kest is good....and easy on the eyes...:)

Christine...don't feel bad the running is wearing me out this week...but tomorrow is yet another day...:)
Hi All...
sorry I'm always the joining in latex(

Christine..I'm glad to hear that in the 1st rotation...some felt like they needed a day before doing kenpo. I could still feel my glutes and calves today! But, in a wierd way, I can't wait to it again.

I walked about 8 miles today, I walk alot for work (not leisurely either), so that made me feel alittle better. Since, last week had to miss a couple days.

It sounds like alot of you think the yoga X is too long?? I have another yoga video I like, do you think its ok to substitute?? Or is there something more in P90X's??

Sounds like you all are doing pretty well...
Janet: Those sneaky lunges took me abit...I'm balanced challenged


Krystal - I like Bryan and I like Rodney Yee's Power Yoga as well. I started with RY so I'm used to his teaching. Both a great. I plan to use both in my rotation.

Lorrie - I'm a fan of BBBB, too. I have my TLT's packed up to loan to my sister, but I think there's a reason they're sitting in the back of my car, still. I may just order some more for her!

Carole - LOVE your attitude. Today was a little stressful, and I almost fell into a bad eating pattern, but then I remembered I had to run tomorrow so I'd better be careful (I hate running when I feel bloated!). As good as a second conscience, I tell ya!

Alicia - welcome to the P90X phenomenon! It hurts sooo good doesn't it? I can't wait to do Legs and Back again - I want to see if it hurts in the same ways. It took me 5 full days not to feel it anymore! The only one of Cathe's leg workouts that get me anywhere near that is Legs and Glutes.

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