p/s and s/h more than once a week?


Active Member
Hello, I am trying to gain muscle,I don't do much cardio because it makes me very skinny,(I'm allready thin),but I do some cause I am "skinny fat".anyway......
I have been doing the pure strength and the slow and heavy series for a long time now,but only once a week because I think that I read you shouldn't work out for more than an hour and half or so and all the tapes are around an hour,well...I read that doing it once a week will maintain your muscle,it's not enough to build muscle,I read you need to lift the body part at least 3 times a week to build,what I'm wanting to know is can I do all three tapes in one day or two,because I try to rest inbetween to build muscle and I try to do cardio at least 2 days after I lift so I can still build muscle.there is just not enough days! I can't do all three tapes 3 times a week and skip the days so I will have "rest" days...hope this makes sense and I'm not confusing you.
Hi Cin, is there any reason you can't do cardio on the same day you strength train? I ask because the PS series (upper body segments) are only about 40min in length, so a 30min cardio added before or after would only be about 1 hr.10min, give or take a little depending on how often you pause for weight changes, water, etc. But PS Series can easily be done in 2 days, especially if you aren't really wanting too much cardio anyway, you could do something like:
day 1: PS-CST + PS-L&A
day 2: PS-BBA + cardio
day 3: rest or cardio
day 4: PS-CST + PS-L&A
day 5: PS-BBA + cardio
day 6: rest or cardio
So in 6 days, you could complete PS twice, plus get in 3-4 cardios, whichever you prefer, and rest your muscles in between.
I've done a similar rotation, but I have to do at least 5 days cardio to lose fat. But I found my definition dramatically improved doing PS Series 2x/week, my shoulders developed almost overnite, and my triceps really developed during this particular rotation. Don't know if it was just timing or what, but I saw very good results with PS 2x/week.
I have never tried doubling up on a S&H, so I can't offer an opinion, personally it's all I can take to do each S&H + MIS in a week, but you've given me something to consider, next S&H rotation, I may have to see if I can handle it 2x/week.
Hope I helped, I know I babbled :)
Hi Cin & Donna,
I have also done a rotation 2x a week with PS and saw great results. I did the rotation for 5wks. My rotation was similiar to Donna's. This was mine:
1-PS Legs (standing section) & PS BBA
2-PS CST & PS Legs (floor & ab section)
4-repeat 1
5-repeat 2
I did try to add a couple more days of cardio after work or I did cardio on Sunday. I have tried SH 2x a week but only did that for 2 weeks. Did see good results but it was right after I did the 5 weeks of PS. Then did a 2 wk rotation with CTX for a break.
[email protected] a great idea! I never thought of cardio on the same day,I will try it,I guess I never thought of 2 videos in their length of time working different muscles....so it wouldn't be too much on a body part..plus like you said I could get a little cardio in and then rest,you really insprired me telling me the results you saw doing them twice a week! I've got a little..tiny development but I want results that I can really see! Thanks for your input!:
thanks for your idea also,I will try both,I'll do one for a while then rotate and do your schedule,I wrote a reply earlier and said that I love the ideas and input that you get on this site! so...you saw more results with the p/s than the s/h?or was it because you did that one more? You also inspired me when I read that you got results by doing it more than once a week Thanks! I better get working
Since each of the S/H workouts takes about an hour, it is hard for me to do this entire series twice in a week. What I usually do if I want more than one weight workout (for all body parts) in a week is do the S/H series and then do MIS in that same week. As some of the others have responded, I also work in cardio by doing it on a day when I do upper body strength training or no strength training.

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