I recently won an ebay auction for the P90x DVDs (was worried about going through beachbody). However, upon going back to look at the listing, I noticed that it doesn't say that it includes the manuals! There was teeny little part that said it was DVDs only, but for whatever reason, I thought the "only" meant that it just wasn't available in VHS. I am SO upset with myself. I've been wanting this series for months, and now that I've finally taken the plunge, I don't have the manuals to show me how it's done x( . I hope to be married next year, and this was going to be my "buff bride" series 
Does anyone know of a place I could get these manuals? At the very least, is there a generic rotation I could follow??
Does anyone know of a place I could get these manuals? At the very least, is there a generic rotation I could follow??