

Oh my aching legs! I thought I was in GREAT shape until I did the Pyramid for Lower Body. OW! OW! OW! That was two days ago, too. The problem now is I'm at work, at a desk, with very little walking. Whenever I get up, I wish I hadn't!!!! OW! OW!

I guess I know now what I need to do a little more work on LOL

Just wanted everyone to know that I'm very, very sore today!

i'm doing this workout for the first time on wednesday and can't wait! i did pyramid upper for the first time this morning and my arms feel like jelly and i think i'm going to be hutin tomorrow. can't wait to feel the DOMS!!!!
I always get a good w/out from PLB. Even more than B&G's. Legs and Glutes will also do it for me. It hurts so good doesn't it!}(
Yes! It hurts soooo good! I am actually looking forward to doing it, again. Why are we all such a glutton for punishment?! I have to agree with you.....I got more of a workout from PLB than I do from B&G. I didn't think I would. B&G has soooooo much more going on than PLB. Who would think simple pyramids would do this to a body?!! It's a good eye-opener, though. It's telling me I need to work muscles that I've been ignoring.

:) :) :) :) :) :7 :D
I hear ya! This happened to me two weeks ago. I did PLB for the first time since getting my Troy Lite Barbell. So this was the first time I could match the weight Cathe used in the workout. I was sore in my quads for 3-4 days!:eek:

A week later I did the workout again with the same weight. No soreness!:) But trust me, I was working hard in that workout. Its a goody!

THANK YOU for this post!

I think you have answered what I was looking for - the most painful hurt so good leg workout from Cathe!

On my wishlist, once again!


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