Overwhelmed trying to figure out a rotation


Hi. I am sorta overwhelmed with all of the great roation ideas on this forum. I don't have every Cathe tape/DVD (yet!) and was wondering if anyone can help me put something together to help me with my goal of leaner look. My legs put on muscle very easily and I feel satisfied with how they look and their strength. I would like a little more definition in the upper body, especially the area where the triceps meet the back of the shoulder at the arm pit. No matter how thin I get, I can never get that area to show good definition. It goes along with the bra overhang I guess! I eat pretty clean but do have an addiction to peanut butter and cool whip. I'm working on that! I am 5'6, 125 lbs. and don't really want to loose any weight, just fat. ANY ideas using the following workouts would be much appreciated!!

CTX 10 10 10
CTX Kickbox
Imax 2/Cardio & Weights
High Step Training
Low Impact Step
Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance
Low Max
PS Series
High Step Circuit

Hi Michelle,
You don't say whether you enjoy any other forms of cardio or have them available or what level exerciser you are, but given what you do list I might suggest something along these lines:
Week 1
Mon: Lomax
Tues: PS Chest/Tris only+C&W Abs
Thurs: PS Legs+PS Shoulders
Fri: Imax 2
Sat: PS BBA+ CTX 10/10/10
Sun: Rest

Week 2
Mon: Imax 2+Chest from PUB and ME+Abs ME
Tues:MIS Legs+100 Walking lunges
Wed:KPC+Back from PUB and ME
Thurs: Lomax
Fri:Cardio only from HSTA and C&W+Shoulders PUB+ME
Sat: Cardio only from BC and HSC+Bi's and Tri's from PUB+ME

Week 3
Mon: HST+ME Abs
Tues: Low Impact Step+CTX Kickbox Only
Wed: PUB+100 walking lunges
Thurs: Imax 2
Fri: PLB+Abs from CTX Kickbox
Sat:KPC or 40 min. run if you run
Sun: Rest

Week 4
Tues: Muscle Endurance
Wed:Imax 2
Thurs: PUB+CTX 10/10/10
Fri: PLB (Going a little lighter on the weights than usual)
Sat: Cardio and Weights plus upper body work from Supersets
Sun: Rest

Week 5 (A fat "blaster" week)
Mon:KPC (plus, if you can squeeze it in and you are feeling up to it- CTX kickbox only, skip the warmup)
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs:HST or HSC whichever you feel is harder+PUB Abs
Fri: 45 min. run if you run, or Lomax+Abs from C&W
Sat: Cardio and Weights+CTX 10/10/10 Cardio and tricep work, just to give the triceps a last kick in the pants

Hope this helps! Don't forget you can always choose a Cathe rotation you like, and even if you don't have all the tapes, you can ask us what you might sub for those days.
Sun: Rest


Thanks so much! I will get started on this next week. I consider myself an advanced exerciser with some limitations due to an ear disease I developed a year 1/2 ago. I pretty much got rid of all my other videos. That was a big undertaking since I have been working out at home for 10+ years! I am slowly building what I consider to be a more sound and effective collection. Any suggestions for other workouts for future purchases?

You're very welcome! Please let me know if anything in the rotation conflicts with limitations due to your ear disease and I will alter it for you :)
My suggestions for future purchases would be a few more cardio workouts, whichever you like, but maybe some more steady state step like Rhythmic Step, Step Blast, or Cardio Hits (which has three great step workouts). Of course the Rhythmic Step DVD comes with RS, Maximum Intensity Cardio, and the original Imax so it is probably my number one recommendation. The weight workouts that you have cover a nice variety, but you might consider another series like Slow and Heavy or the Gym Styles to really help in building muscle and adding variety to your training routine.
Hope this helps,
I would like to get them all! Patience-right?

Got a couple of questions for you on the rotation. On week 1-Sat. does PS BBA mean Pure Strngth Biceps, Back and Abs? On week 2 Fri. does CW+shoulders mean the entire CW workout plus shoulders from PUB & ME or just shoulders from all 3 workouts?

I am so excited to have a plan!!

Thanks again,

Hi Michelle,
Yes PS BBA means Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs. Cardio only from HSTA and C&W+Shoulders PUB+ME means just do the cardio portions of HSTA and Cardio and Weights then do shoulders from PUB and ME. So you'll have about 45 min. of cardio and then shoulder work.
Have fun and let me know how the progress goes and what might need some tweaking!
Hi Michelle,
Just wanted to let you know Cathe's response to our inquiry on upper tricep definition:
"All variations of seated or standing overhead extentions work the long head of the triceps(where it meets the shoulder at the back of the arm) nicely." So you may want to add in extra sets of these to all your tricep workouts.

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