overweight and want to become fit & healthy.... Help!!


Cathe or fans
I haven't exercised in awhile and want to start. Where do I begin. I need to lose 70lbs and want to be toned. I want to do it in a healthy way. I would appreciate help in starting a exercise program.

Thanks for your time

P.s. What videos should I try?
Good for you, starting is always the hardest part but once you get going I'm sure you'll really enjoy making exercise and good nutrition a permanent part of your life. It will seem like an uphill climb sometimes, but you get a real sense of pride after finishing a workout, at least I do.

So, in answer to your question about where to start, what kind of workouts do you like and what equipment do you have at home? (i.e., a step, free weights). Cathe's tapes are geared mainly towards advanced or intermediate exercisers but I think a lot of the tapes can be tailored to almost any fitness level if you know how, you just have to be careful and remember to follow your own guidelines and pace. Her step workouts are a blast and usually they're divided up into sections. Yo could start out just doing the warm up, first stepping section and then fast forwarding to the cool down. If you use just the 4" step to start and go slow, making sure you never get to the point of feeling breathless or dizzy, that might work. So you could enjoy Cathe's terrific workouts even as a beginner. Eliminating jumps and big arm movements will keep the intensity lower for you to get started, and then as your fitness level improves, you'd be able to add things on to make it harder (adding back in the jumps, etc).

I think even her Maximum Intensity Strength could work for a beginner if you start out with light weights to get your body used to a workout like that and gradually increase them over time. And if that's still too much, you can just do one or two sets instead of doing all of them.

These are just ways that I was thinking I'd alter the super-tough Cathe tapes if I were using them to start out. I think as long as you're careful, listen to your body and keep the ego out of it you can safely use them to get started.

I think Powermax is a great step tape; it has a long, thorough warmup and stretch, followed by 3 step sections. The first one seems almost ideal for adapting and using to start out. The 2nd and 3rd are long and tough, but again, just taking out big leaps and arms makes a big difference.

I LOVE Maximum Intensity Strength; it's a total body strength training program using free weights (barbell and dumbells, but to start out just dumbells would work, too). You could even break up the tape and do just the legs one day and the upper body the next, to get used to working out with weights (and go WAY lighter than they do.)

Those are my two favorites, but I believe that her older step tapes, Step Max, Step Heat, etc, might be more basic than her more recent stuff, too. Don't quote me on that, though!

So, as I always say, that's my two cents! Just make sure that whatever you do, you listen to your body, supplement those workouts with lots of water (not sodas, diet sodas or juice) and good nutrition. It's like the holy trinity of fitness, in my opinion. And have a good time! You should be smiling and enjoying your exercise, that's the key to making it a permanent part of your life, which it should be, right?

I'm sur you'll get LOADS of great advice from the rest of the gang, too. They're a terrific group. Welcome!

Thanks I need as much advice as I can get

Thank you for your comments.

Reading all the posts inspires me.

I happen to have Stepmax, I think I will get Powermax & MIS too.
Will MIS give me lean sculpted muscles some day or will it give me bulky muscles.

How many times a week should I start with cardio & weights?

Again I appreciate your comments,
RE: Thanks I need as much advice as I can get

Ah, well if you're already doing one of Cathe's step tapes you must not be a total beginner, hers are all challenging.

As for MIS, I can't seem to stress enough to women that it is extremely difficult for women to build "bulky" muscles. The women that you see that do have them are either genetically built thicker anyway or they spend hours in the gym and eat a lot more calories than you'd think. MIS will give you strong, lean, beautiful muscles, so don't worry about picking up heavier weights. Cathe will tell you in several tapes that heavy weights "do good things for you" and they do. Keep in mind, too, that while lifting weights you are also building bone, which is especially important for us gals. So it's a winner every way you look at it. Just be careful, go at your own pace, but don't be shy about grabbing the heavy weights when you feel strong enough. You will love the results.

There are several different ways to arrange a program to accomodate weights and cardio. You can alternate days, one day only cardio, one only weight. You can do cardio followed by weight training (just don't weight train the same body parts on consecutive days, give yourself at least one, if not 2, days in between training parts with weights), or the weights before the cardio (whatever you prefer, or you can switch back and forth to really shock your metabolism)...it really depends on what you're comfortable with and your schedule, etc.

I started out alternating days of cardio and weights, and when I trained with weights it was total body. Then after about 5 or 6 weeks of that, I switched my program to use the method of muscle confusion to my advantage. I did weight training for one or two body parts followed by cardio (sometimes interval cardio, sometimes hi/lo, sometimes step, and differing durations). Just try to keep changing your routine every month or so at least to keep your body from adjusting and hitting plateaus.

I hope that helps, too. Again, I'm not Cathe, but I've had tremendous success in using her wonderful tapes with good nutrition, enough sleep and drinking tons of water. So I'm just passing on what's worked for me. As I've mentioned on other posts, a year ago I was a size 14, now I'm a size 6. Cathe's workouts have been a huge part of that transition for me. I can't wait to get my Crosstrain Xpress DVD.

Have a good one!
RE: Thanks I need as much advice as I can get

WOW, You went from a 14 to a 6.
That is exciting & inspiring.
I hope I will be a success story too.

Thanks again,
RE: Like I always say...


Since I am new to strentgh training and exercise, can you expand about not agreeing with the bulky muscle theory. I would like as many opinions as possible. I thought low weight higher reps gives you a more leaner look, but I don't know it is just something I read. I have so far to go with this weight loss program that any muscle would be a welcome sight.

I have 72los to lose and counting..

RE: Like I always say...

Nikki, what you said about welcoming *any* muscle is basically how I feel about the issue too. It bothers me that women are sometimes subliminally or even outwardly discouraged (primarily by the media) from weight training for fear of getting "bulky" muscles. Most women are genetically unable to really build big muscles, but even for those who are able, so what? It looks great! :)

I personally prefer heavy weights/low reps to light weights/high reps, and train heavy at least once a week. I've gotten my best results (in terms of muscle gain) from that approach, especially with the lower body. Then to balance things out, I'll do slightly lighter weights, floor work or another type of strength workout, like a Flexaball tape.

Best of luck to you! I know 72 pounds feels like a lot right now, but it *can* be done and it's totally worth the effort. Just take it one pound at a time.

http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/danishflag.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/name5.gif http://www.geocities.com/pamela_vf/devils.gif
[font color="red"]142 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
You can do it!!!

I agree with everything Lex and Pamela have said. I'm half way to a 75 pound weight loss and, while it's a long road, it's a journey worth taking. I did Cathe tapes, even when I was at my heaviest, but I had done them in "fitter" days, so the choregraphy was familiar to me. When I made this committment to myself, I used a 4" step and took out all the power moves. Plenty of times I marched in place or did a basic step move when she was ricocheting (sp?) and all those other great power moves. But, after not very long, I added in a little power here and there, eventually raised my step to 6" (with more power modification), and I'm happy to say I an "Advanced-intermediate" exerciser now, as far as cardio goes.
As far as strength training, I can't espouse the benefits of this enough! Start with light weights, if you do get MIS, don't attempt to do the whole tape at once, most of us break it down to one body part per day anyway. You will feel great and see rapid progress. And again, it's very hard for a woman to get bulky, Cathe's workouts aren't designed for huge body builders, just lean, mean, muscle machines!!
One last tip, try not to think of it as 72 pounds, break it up into small bits. Have a goal of 5 or 10 pounds in mind for certain events, like a birthday or Christmas. Work towards that goal and that goal only. Once you reach it, set a new goal. This has really worked for me. If I sat down with myself and said, okay, 75 pounds, get started, I would have lasted a day. But by setting small goals, it's not so daunting.
Cathe's videos are really wonderful, inspirational, FUN ways to better your body, I hope you enjoy them!
I think I have found myself an excellent board for support and anwsers. I was on a different board asking for help a couple of days ago and no one responded.

You ladies are patient, informative and great.

Way to go Cathe for having such a welcoming and friendly board!!!
I agree, the people who post on here are really terrific and they almost entirely very well educated about fitness and nutrition.

I actually don't advise counting anything; calories, pounds, etc. I think it's better, if you want to track progress for inspiration, to go by clothing size and even measurements. As you start to create and sculpt muscles, which weigh more than fat, you might see weight on a scale actually increase for a littlw while. But don't let that freak you out! Muscles are like Pac Man when it comes to needing calories. They require so much more energy to sustain themselves, just having muscles increases your calories burned and little by little they help eat away fat (along with a good nutritional plan that is permanent, not a temporary diet) Isn't THAT an awesome side benefit to building muscles? Once you have them, even when you're at rest you are burning way more calories than someone who only does cardio work.

One thing that took me about 12 years to learn is that sometimes being goal oriented can be a little counter productive if it's the sole focus. I am enjoying the journey more than the destination, I just make sure that whenever I'm working out, I'm having a good time. I eat foods that I think taste wonderful, I try to just make sure that with every facet of life, whether it's fitness, relationships or career, that I'm in the moment here and now, not just looking ahead to something better. Sometimes, when you stop and enjoy the current moment, you realize how wonderful that moment really is, do you know what I mean? So now my new motto, or mantra, in life is:

Life's about the journey, not the destination.

So really love your time here on earth.

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