Overtrained legs.....still do cardio??


Hi, Cathe-

I'm currently one week in to your "Fat Loss/Legs and Glutes" rotation and have a question. After getting through three leg/total body focused routines and an Imax I found my legs exhausted and very tight and sore, and therefore skipped a day of workout (so hard to rationalize!). I did a KPC premix this morning and found my legs tired very quickly. Is it a bad idea to continue to do cardio when I'm experiencing this, or are there specific things you would recommend? I know this is happening because my legs got used to the circuits and not straight heavy lifiting and will get better.

Thanks, Cathe! :7

If I were you I would listen to the very real message your body is sending you and do things differently for a few days, before getting back to your rotation, which you may choose to modify also, depending on how your body responds to it in the future. Maybe reduce to 2 leg/glute weight workouts per week and no more.

For 2 or 3 days, just go for a walk instead of tough cardio workouts. This will help you to stretch your legs out and get blood flow into the muscles in a less intense way so the muscle tissue can repair itself and heal, before you challenge it again. In the meanwhile, continue with upper body workouts and ab/core work.


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