Overhead tricep press


I'm wondering why I can't do an overhead tricep press without hitting muscle failure after about 5 reps with VERY light weights. I have no problem doing full sets of tricep isolation moves like kickbacks and lying extensions, so I don't think it's because I have weak triceps. What other muscles are being used in the overhead press? Is it that the triceps are being used in a different way during overhead presses? Is it possible that my form is wrong?

Thanks for any assistance.

I have some similar problems and would also like to know what is going on with those triceps of mine. Can't figure it out?


The idea is to die young as late as possible
Hi Nancy! You are not alone, this happens to many of us. The nature of this exercise causes a long gravitational verticle drop which encourages a deep stretch and longer muscle contraction (especially to the long head of the tricep muscles) on the return. More intensity usually bring us to failure more quickly. Happy lifting!
Thanks, Cathe! I guess I'll just keep doing as many as I can to build up my triceps. It really helps to know I'm not alone. :D
You're far from alone in that regard, Nancy, I struggle with these more than any weight lifting exercise I've ever done. I can lift a lot of weight, but for some reason, these kill me, every time, no matter what weight I choose.


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