Overeaters Anonymous

I have been to several OA meetings. I found the people to be very accepting of anyone and any philosophy. They use Higher Power to mean anything that is more powerful for you (there is a very large population of Agnostic people in recovery groups). The reason the meetings are held in churches is because churches let various groups in the community (e.g. boy scouts) use their building for free.

I went for 6 weeks trying to give it a chance. I was comfortable with the people, but not what I was supposed to say to fit in. After 6 weeks I decided that anything I dreaded that much wasn't really helping me.

What I am saying is that if you are looking for resources it can not hurt to go to a meeting if you can. Someone may have some insight that you had not thought of that could make a difference. Or you may really dislike it and never go back. Either way at least you would not have to wonder if it was right for you anymore.

Good luck and take care.


I just wanted to add that there is hope for a future without these struggles. I had an eating disorder for 21 years that I feel I have recovered from (if that is possible). There is hope.
Just wanted to say thanks for the book recommendation. i just ordered it from amazon and should have it in a few days.

Kariev, I'm so glad you ordered it! Let's compare notes, ok? PS...I'm taking her 6 week online course/retreat beginning tomorrow. It's six 90-minute workshops and question/answer periods. It's a little pricey, but if you (or anyone) is interested in knowing more, just PM me. And I'll be happy to share the info I learn with you as I take the class!

Talk to you soon...all the best!

:) Jonezie
Hi Nan,

I didn't read through all the posts, but I did see you had Intuitive Eating on hold at the library .... awesome! I just paid my library a fine because it was overdue, but I wanted to keep it longer. :) It really does an amazing job of explaining why people overeat. I, for instance, "rebel" if I am told what to eat, how to eat, etc. even if I desperately want to lose weight. If I even try to change my eating and it remotely hints of a diet, I go the total opposite direction, which makes it even worse and then I feel like a failure. But if I relax, make conscious choices (which takes some thought and relearning) I feel so at peace with myself.

I know there are lots of resources you've been given (Geneen Roth is an excellent writer on this topic!) ... if you could fit Intuitive Eating into your schedule, it'd be well worth it.
I know there are lots of resources you've been given (Geneen Roth is an excellent writer on this topic!) ... if you could fit Intuitive Eating into your schedule, it'd be well worth it.

ITA!! This book really helped me get my eating under control. It also discusses what a lot of posters mentioned earlier which is not beating yourself up because you ate "badly" one day; in fact, it teaches you how to get rid of the whole "I did bad today" mentality which was extremely helpful for me. It really is a great book. It took awhile to put the ideas into practice and I'm still working on it, but hang in there and keep at it!

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