Encouraging info...I guess.
"Outsmarting" discusses perimenopause, menopause, and the role of estrogen in weight gain. The book focuses primarily on what happens to the female body after the age of 35. It offers a wealth of important info, but one of the points that stand out is that dieting itself, in particular the yo-yo dieting that you mention, actually causes women to gain considerably more weight during the perimenopause period. The author, a nutritionist, insists that midlife women "naturally" acquire a "different" body, often characterized by a thicker midsection-- no matter what they do to prevent it. (I can attest to this.) Of course, as we already know, exercise (strength training particularly) can help to offset menopausal weight/fat changes--because, and this is interesting, exercise helps women to create 25% more estrogen than they would if they were sedentary. It seems fat cells enlarge after the age of 35 in a desperate attempt to up estrogen production.
I was interested in the dietary recommendations in the book as well as the discussion of the purpose of menopausal weight/bodyfat gain.
Really, it just made me feel a heck of a lot better about things. I'd strongly suggest it.