Outer thigh workouts


Since the Cathe trip I've really started working on my legs(especially). Even though I'm a runner, I've gotten more definition(all over)by REALLY applying myself to her workouts(I'll admit to some periodic wimpiness before--lol).

However..., the upper outer portion needs some work and even though I see the "teardrop" at the bottom, I need some upper thigh lateral work(AKA saddlebags).

There's not A LOT there, but just enough of a little pudge that I know I need to kick it up a notch--any suggestions??

Formerly known as Luv2run
how about L&G. That is a lean, mean freestylin' machine of a workout. I also hear great things about GSL though I don't have it. How about incorporating one of these into your schedule?

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

You know, I have it and haven't done it(bad girl--lol).
I hear it's a toughy, but WORTH it, guess, it's time to take the saran wrap off:)

Hi Mary, I second Debbie's suggestion for GS Legs. I recently started doing this once a week and the floor work fries my inner and outer (and hamstrings) more than any other Cathe leg workout I've done. I can feel the exercises hitting (very hard hits) a particular muscle (don't know what its called except for "saddlebag" area) that is way at the top of my outer thigh. Its awesome! HTH, Sue
Nice to meet another runner!...I agree too about GS legs. I also use PS floorwork alot and PLB has that stability ball section that kills the outer thigh. Cathe also points out in one of her leg workouts, that having your feet a bit closer together when doing squats works the outer thigh a bit more than the wider stance. I'd be very happy to have the teardrop...:)...Carole
Another vote for GSL!! That is one tough, but very effective work out. Sometimes I'll do GSL standing and then 2 days later do GSL and PLB floorwork as another work out.

Go for it! Let us know your results, too! :)

I have them both--Game on! LOL

I can feel the pain already(good pain though!)

Thanks for all of the advice!!
I'll keep you posted(if I can crawl to the computer--lol)


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