Outer knee pain



This is only the second time I've posted, so let me just start by saying THANKS for your workouts! Even my kids know you by name! Anyway, on to my questions.
1). I've noticed in the past month that my left outer knee hurts whenever I do the stretch where your lying supine and you place one foot on the opposite knee, then lift to stretch the outer hip. Any "butterfly" stretching, sitting cross-legged on the floor is also painful. However, I don't feel any pain when doing any of your workouts (except for that one heel in-heel out (with a lift)-heel in move on the step). Right leg is fine.
2). Why are static lunges so hard?! I always have to lower my weight (leaner legs) from the exercise before it. No matter how hard I try, I have to decrease weight, even though on the DVD you and the others do not. And my rear leg screams just as much as my front leg!
3). Alternating bicep curls are harder for me than alternating hammer curls (with the rotation at the top of the movement), even though the hammer curls are after the straight-forward curls.
All of my questions have been brewing a while, and they're all based on the CTX series.

Thank you in advance!

Hi CinDee! Nice to hear from you. Give the kids a big hug from me :)!

Question 1) The good news is that as long as you don't feel it while working out, you should be able to continue working out without aggrivating the situation (just modify the in-out-in repeater to a standard repeater). However, it does sound like you have consistent pain that occurs with precise movements. In that case, I would have it looked at by the doctor. They can evaluate it and tell you what would be best for it. Perhaps just a combo of ice/heat therapy and some temporary home rehab exercises are all you need, but I certainly am not the professional to make that assessment.

Question 2) Static lunges are so much harder in general. The reason being that your legs are divided, therefore your strength and support base is altered. Instead of your legs being side by side as in a squat, they are now split in a way that makes the move feel more like a single legged squat.

Question 3) Some exercises are just easier for some people than others. Many times it is due to our individual biomechanical structure and sometimes it due to the fact that just changing the grip of the movement calls upon the muscles in a different way.

Keep up the great work! :)

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