Our STS stands for Shereta and Tara Getting Serious Wk 3


Active Member
Well...I got this thread started...sorry for the late posting. Well, today will be weights for me and I am going to do STS disc #7 because I didn't plan in advance for a replacement weights/cardio dvd workout. I know I want to incorporate more cardio in these first 3 months until I get my metabolism revved and start dropping the pounds. We are going to do this. We'll have to set a goal to make and use that to celebrate our accomplishments. We'll have to plan to do something very nice....what do you think?
Hey, Tara. You did it!

Yes, I had a great trip but being on the road mean non-movement and non-circulation. My weight is up a little, but I'm hoping controlled calories and lots of water will release that water retention by Thur

Today's workout is Power Hour. I ran out of time, so I'll tack on core with cardio tomorrow.

My next trip is in March and I hope to be one-two sizes smaller. Girl, I've got work to do.

Yes, lets definitely plan to do something special. Every three months sounds good .
Today I did HIIT Pyramid...girl that was a WORKOUT! I got very winded at times and thought I couldn't finish, but I did. 399 calories. Well, since starting I stumbled a few times with eating and missed a few workouts, but on those days that I didnt workout, I ate very well. As a result, I was down a total of 5 pounds since starting. Not bad, I expected the scale to say something a little different.

I think I'm going to do Power Hour tomorrow because that will give me a total body weight workout. Girl I'm totally confused...are we just kind of doing our own thing or what? I know you had put together a sample plan, but we are not necessarily doing the exact workouts, right?

Have a Good Day!
Tara, THAT"S GREAT. 5 LBS is AWSOME> I'm so proud of you. Are you proud of you? Of course you are. WOW. We are really doing this thang.

So, if you know how many calories you burned, does that mean you have a heart rate monitor or did the workout manager tell you?

Well, as far as our rotation goes:
1) we can do our own thing,
2) we can do the same workouts types and switch up the actual workout cause we may not have the same one - like PH for ME or Imax2 for Imax3
3) or we can do exactly the same roation and same workouts.

Which would you prefer? The rotation I thought we agreed on was:

Interval/HiiT cardio
Steady state cardio
Weight work
and repeat which would give us 6 days per week of workouts.

But, since I missed Monday, I'm doing
Weight work
Steady State
WEight work

I'm open to whatever you'd like b/c I finally realized it's all about food intake for me. The working out, as you've proven, can get missed - but, if you still eat right, it'll be all good.
Hey I'm awake! Shereta I think as long as we get a good workout in...I think we are both pretty much experienced at working out and know what it takes to "shock" our systems. Like you said, the food intake is key...with that said, all that matters is that we keep reporting those pounds being lost and that we are getting our workouts in...

Well...I did some treadmill work today. Out of the ordinary and definitely shouldn't have ran because I do have plantar fascitis, now my foot is bothering me, but it'll be ok after a couple of ibuprofen and R&R. I'll be ready tomorrow. Since I didn't do power hour today, I'll do it tomorrow. I ate good, actually I didn't eat until 530p, my blood sugar level was probably screaming! Didn't intend to miss meals, but I got too busy...

Well, let's make it a great day tomorrow...Happy Workout!
(7:00 am)

Great post, Tara. You are really a positive person. I'm glad we're doing this together.

I recently purchased the dvd with KPC/Legs&Glutes b/c my original KPC is getting worn out. It makes noises from the actual tape all through it. So today I was able to do a 40 min premix of KPC. I can tell I'm getting stronger.

Tomorrow will be PH.
(6:46 pm)

Awwww Man, I overate at dinner. I just junked it up. I've had a very busy day, but my eating was definitely in check until I got home. I was cold and a little sleepy. I ate a snack and napped on the sofa. When I got up I was ravenous. I ate everything in site.

Oh well, I have to just start from here. I just hope I haven't caused too much damage.
Yep, my weight is up a little but that will subside after the extra salt leaves me in a day or two.

Today's workout was Power Hour. I was able to do more today than I did earlier this week.

Tomorrow should be 40/20.

Where you at, Tara. Give me some good news.
6:15 am

Oh, my, I didn't work out yesterday b/c I had to work. We have a deadline to meet for Monday, and I worked 12 hours yesterday trying to make it. After church, I'm heading back over there.

But, I am getting ready to do 40/20. I know it'll kill my body, but my mind will be so happy after it's done. Love those endorphins.

Tara-Boo, where are you? I hope all is well. Email me or post something.

okay, 40/20 done. I'm definitely stronger endurance wise and power in legs. I kept my step 2 in lower than theirs on must cycles. on some, I kept it the same. gotta challenge yourself, right?

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