Take Advantage Now Of Our Mega Boss Sale and You Can Save More Than $250 - The More You Buy The More You Save!
Our Cathe Mega Boss Sale has now started. This is our biggest sale of the year and simply put, the more you buy the more you save. This is especially true of heavy items and oversized products like our barbells, foam rollers, and STS Dip Bars which will be back in stock in a few more weeks. If you've hesitated to buy these items because of the high shipping costs, make sure to take advantage of this sale as the coupons will in most cases more than cover the higher shipping costs.IMPORTANT: there is a high probability that we sell out of our barbells and STS Dip Bars during this sale. So if you want these items make sure to order them ASAP as it will be at least three more months before these items are back in stock.