OUCH! :(



I have pain in my right shoulder sometimes when I do pullovers. The pain is in the back, upper part of my shoulder. I usually don't use the bar because it makes the pain worse - so I use a dumbbell, but there's been times where the pain is pretty intense. I'm guessing its a form issue - but what areas should I look for? I'm wondering if my hand/arm position is a problem or if I'm going down too far.

Lori :)

I'm interested to hear the answer to your question. I did Muscle Max last weekend and one of my shoulders really bothered me. I did it with the barbell.
Definitely don't continue to do the move if it hurts.

One thing you might try: make sure you hold the dumbbell so your palms are facing each other (rather than forward), which opens up the shoulder joint a bit and can reduce any impingement problems.

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