Ouch - Cardio Kicks



Had a stressful day mixed with PMS and decided to do Cardio Kicks for the first time in about a month. (been doing a step-treadmill routine for four weeks)

Well I kicked the crap out of everything and everyone that had been bugging me for this month. I kicked them and punched them and generally sweated till I was exhausted. I felt great and completed relieved of stress.

This morning I can barely move my arms and my upper back is certainly telling me - Hello, I'm here and please don't move any more!. I still feel a lot less stressed and the little smile on my face is still there. Maybe this is just a little reminder that even imagined revenge is still revenge!

Have a great Easter everyone!
I've not done Cardio Kicks in quite a while either. I know I will feel the pain after I do! I too like to imagine kicking other's teeth in - you're right it does make one feel better.
Too funny - I do the same thing with Kickboxing (imagine some revenge happenin' big time).

The other morning my husband said - "I'm sure my face is in there somewhere too!" - I said NO WAY, you're too sweet :)

Kickboxing always puts a smile on my face (after all the grunting of course).

And let me tell you, the first time I did the kb in CTX last week my upper back was SO stiff. When you're just watching it, it doesn't seem too bad, but the next day, oooooo mamma.

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