Other DVDs?



Quick question...when are we going to see some of your other workouts, such as MIS and MIC, come out on DVD? I already have the Cardio Hits and I love the advantages the DVD has over VHS. Like several other Cathe fans, I am waiting for the DVD 8-pack to go on sale again--I missed the pre-sale:(.

More DVD's???

It is really hard to say when we will release more DVD's. We want to see how the new ones sell first. Also, the price of DVD replication and authoring is dropping quite rapidly as are DVD players. Though the cost to us to manufacture and make new DVD’s is getting less all the time, it is still very expensive.
By this Christmas only about 10 percent of the US households will have DVD players. This number is growing, but still too small….So we will just have to wait and see how things go this Fall. But in any case, our next set of DVD’s will probably be the Pure Strength series.

Actually, Cathe's already leading the exercise DVD train as it is. Try to find other vids in that format and it's few and far between. I was so thrilled and impressed to see SNM offering the new series on DVD right off the bat. Until Cardio Hits (which I love) I'd only seen one exercise DVD, a Kathy Smith workout. So hats off to Cathe and SNM for taking the plunge. Stephen Speilberg himself only accepted DVD as a growing field worthy of investing in very recently. He was reluctant to transfer any of his films until now because he didn't think it would catch on. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case. It's definitely still in fledgling stages, but I'll bet dollars to donuts (should I even mention donuts on here?!) that Cathe has more exercise DVDs than anyone out there right now.

But we want more! I think the Pure Strength Series on DVD would sell like hotcakes (hmm, a food theme going on here, must make dinner.)

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