Other advanced instructors


Are there any other advanced instructors, aside from the lovely Ms. Friedrich, you would recommend to a newbie to home fitness? Thank you in advance.
I just did Jari Love's Ripped to the Core and thought it was fantastic! TOUGH! This vid has had MANY good reviews on these boards! You might want to try it! :)
Go to videofitness.com to see reviews of all kinds of instructors. I'm looking for something new as well. I ordered a Rob Glick video from netflix to try and see if I like it before I go and buy it. It's been hard for me to find another instructor because often the filming quality is not as good as Cathe, and it just bugs me. And, good music is essential for me as well. A lot of people like p90x.
Another Instructor for good cardio is Mindy Mylrea, I like her new workout Kiccbutt Bootcamp, All about Legs and All about abs, are all great. My old time favorite of hers is Action Packed and Interval Max DVD combo sold at her site at Fitflix.com
Seasun Ziegler (CIA videos) has advanced choreograhy in her step routines (I love it, but she doesnt' really break down her movements so it will take you several times to get down the whole video), plus she also does a terrific BOSU workout in CIA 2604 Double Cardio (I mastered as a beginner BOSU in only 2 workouts but it is very tough). I also just came across Sharon Twombly in CIA 2604 Double Cardio. She uses a step in this video, but not too much. She makes the moves doable, yet tough:) Rob Glick also has some pretty good videos out there if you like dancy movements (I love them), but if you have 2 left feet you aren't likely to enjoy him.

Another poster mentioned Collagevideos.com. I highly recommend this site as well since you can preview the workout before you buy it. They also offer a 30 day satisfaction policy (If you don't like it you can return it in 30 days even if opened), and a lifetime warranty on all there DVDs. I have had to return several videos that I didn't care for with no questions asked. They offer a discount on 4 or more video purchased.

Good luck}(
I'm keeping my eye on two new to home fitness instructors:
Amy (www.nrgfitness.net) and Tracey (www.fitbytracey.com). They are both coming out with new, long DVD's, promising good premixes, good music, and new moves. I don't own their workouts, but a kind yaya loaned me two of Amy's current releases Boot Camp and Body Pump...I think that was the name). I did not think the workouts were worth the money she was asking (way too short). Her new workouts are longer (one is 90 min.) and the price has been lowered by a huge amount. So, I will be keeping my eye on these two, have marked in my daytimer when the pre-sales end, may preorder or may wait for reviews. I've been hankering for new cardio and right now I'm leaning towards Tracey's workouts even though they are a little bit more. Tracey is coming out with 90 min. kickbox (45 min. kickbox, 40 min. total body weight work), 90 min. step (very interested in this one) and a 60 min. ab/core/back workout. I'm glad that there seems to be more options opening up for advanced at home exercisers although nothing will replace my Cathe's, I'm finding the need for variety and cross training to be beneficial to my exercise program.

I also own and love the TLT workouts (www.tracielongtraining.com). They are completely different from Cathe, but I consider them advanced especially now that I understand the moves and am very familiar with the workouts. They are functional fitness workouts and Tracie has mentioned that she may be filiming more soon.
I second Mindy Mylrea. Her workouts are tough, tough, tough. I like her Slammin' Sport Cadio and Inteval Express. Her new one Kick Butt Boot Camp is great too!
I love Traci Long's new DVD's - they are hard in a different way from Cathe. Her cueing is impeccable .. and her form perfect .. her new DVD's have unique moves that target the core while working all the muscles.

I also like Kelli Roberts - her last circuit video is EXCELLENT .. I am always sore from it .. it is a long one though .. but easy to split up the workout into 2 different workouts. Kelli's cueing is also impeccable .. she makes the workouts fun.

Jannis Saffell has a kickboxing DVD that is great . . most of her stuff is excellent.

you can find just about any video there .. except for the new Tracy Long ones .. :7
I like some of Mindy's stuff, the new CIA's, Seasun Ziegler's Straight Up Step, some of Amy Bento's stuff and Kelly Coffey. Also, Tony Horton for P90 X and P90 Masters.

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