OT: Trying to get my boss in trouble

Take it from me or you are going to learn the hard way like I did guy. Keep it very light in here.You have obviously touched someone's nerves in here so just let it drop. From one male to another: whether your point is right or wrong the fact that you are male isn't helping in this forum. The crack about being a "knight in shining armor" was too much for me.
And anyway, I thought we were supposed to keep this forum fitness-related everyone.
RE: Regarding HR...

In every corporate company I have worked for, HR protects management, not employees. For 20 years I worked as a senior level administrative assistant for various companies. The job that finally led me to change careers to fitness had me working for a group of marketing and advertising witches who had me fetching coffee and food for meetings (I was actually called into a conference room of executives and asked to take lunch orders and find someone to help me bring them up to the room from the cafeteria!), schedule personal appointments, and my direct boss even had me make her wedding plans! HR did absolutely nothing when I marched into the office with a pile of wedding paraphenalia (faxes, brochures, guest lists, etc.) except ask me why I didn't tell my boss I was uncomfortable with making her wedding plans. HELLO? She is a company Vice President and never should have asked in the first place!! I was labeled a troublemaker and let go. However, they did not stop me from collecting unemployment due to fear of retaliation. This is a major corporate retail store (I worked in the main home office.) and to this day, I refuse to shop there.

When I worked in high tech the same rules applied with HR. Management almost always wins no matter how poor of a manager he or she is. And unfortunately, many people get promoted into management positions with no formal training.

I thought we were supposed to keep this forum
>fitness-related everyone.

This "open forum" is open to anything anyone wants to talk about (hopefully in a civilized manner ;-) )
Hey Kathryn,
Actually I used to think that but I believe the consensus after the bickering that took place awhile ago was that we were going to keep it fitness/health -related.

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