OT Lost cat...

If there is an animal sheleter near your town, call there as well.
Since you will be gone for the weekend, I suggest putting up signs about your lost cat, and giving your vet as a drop-off place where he can be taken while you are out of town (or a friends who is in town).

Do you have a garage? As an alternative, you could leave the garage door up enough so that the cat could get in, and set up a warm bed area (a box with some blankets) where he can stay if he comes back home).

Have you walked around the neighborhood calling "kitty, kitty, kitty?" Be persistant, and pause to listen for meowing (in winter, cats will try to find a warm spot, and sometimes may be shut in someone's garage (accidentally) or be in a location that they can't get out of (like in a crawl space).
I just wanted to say thanks again for the advice and understanding how my our animal friends mean to us. :7

Lee Anne
Thank you Sandy.
we now have two black kittens born in August. They are very much lap cats and don't care to spend much time outside. We are attached to them already....
AKA "Likes2bfit"

How terrible. I hope you find him. One of our cats got out once and he went under our deck (he had never been outside) and squeezed under the bottom step. I mean we went down there and couldn't find him that's how packed in under that step and the brushes he was. He was terrified. This cat never meows so thank goodness he FINALLY decided to when I happened to go back outside for the last time that day. We had put lost cat flyers in all the mailboxes. Anyway, my dad says it's natural for them to find a safe crevace to crawl in and hide because if they've never been outside, it's like they fell into another dimension or something. So my advice is to really look around thouroughly for him. I wouldn't think he'd go too far. Good luck and I'll pray for his safe return.

Lee Anne,

I am so glad Chester returned. I'm sure he was so glad to see Pasty and followed her home. That is so sweet and such a relief. I've got two indoor cats and wouldn't know what to do it either one got out. The only outdoors they see is my screened-in back porch.
Lee Anne,

I'm so glad Chester is back home. I'm sure he's just as happy as you and your family are. I know how devastated I would be if something happened to my two "babies".


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