OT Lost cat...

Lee Anne

My kids and I are so upset. The cleaning people accidentally let one of our ragdoll cats out today...saw it walking around and didn't grab him and put him back inside. We didn't realize he was gone for several hours because he naps in a secluded place of the house sometimes. Anyway, if you aren't familiar with ragdolls, they are very gentle and won't fight back if attacked. It's already 32 degrees outside and we have to go to my inlaws tomorrow for the weekend. Does anyone know what we can do to try and find him besides call the radio and vets around town? We walked all around our neighborhood and talked to people. Chester has never been outside before, so I know he must be terrified. I need to find him. I'm so tempted to tell dh I'm not going, but I think it would cause WWIII if I didn't go. Any suggestions as to what I can do to get him to come to me if he's close by?


Lee Anne
Lee Anne,

I'm so terribly sorry to hear about Chester! I know I panic when I think my kitty has gotten out by himself. :(

You might go outside with his treat jar/bag and jiggle it to make noise while calling him. That always worked to get my boy in from the garage. Or run the can opener outside.

Or open a can of human tuna and put it on a plate outside with the juice, (their noses are very sensitive and he could smell it from anywhere in the neighborhood.) For this last one you'll have to take turns watching outside the window in case he shows.

I know these aren't very good ideas, But it's all I can think of right now. As for the in-law trip, I'd put my foot down and NOT go! My kitty is like my baby, a member of the family! If your family doesn't understand then that's their problem. I know that's easy to say, but you might regret not staying home for the rest of your life...always saying "if I'd only stayed home, maybe..." Your husband could still go along with the kids, or could you just postpone it for a week?

I hope that you have already found Chester making this note pointless.
Regardless, My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and Chester tonight! Good Luck.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Hi Lee Ann

I'm so sorry to hear about Chester. I have cats that go outside and they've given me a lot of grey hairs by not coming home sometimes.

I work with animals and I do know that cats, even those that are not trained to go outdoors can return to your door the next day. So I would urge you to postpone your trip and stay at home till you find Chester.

Keep favorite treats handy. My cats can't so no to ham. This might urge Chester (if you do manage to locate him) to come closer so that you can grab him. Look under parked cars as that is somewhere they like to hide when they are frightened. If he responds to his name, be sure to call it out loudly. Sometimes when they hear you, they realise that their home is close and even though they may not appear in front of you while you are there, they can follow at a distance and eventually appear in your yard or back door. It happened to us with our kitten who escaped when we were taking the garbage out.

And put up posters in your neighbourhood. I really pray your kitty is found soon as its getting cold. I think its really crucial that you don't go away as if he does find his way back then it will probably be in the next couple of days. Best of luck.
What a terrible situation to be in.
Chances are good he is hiding and not too far away. If you absolutely must go tomorrow you might consider paying a neighbour to come by your house several times and check for your cat. Leave out food and water - the tuna idea is a great one. Another option may be to contact a pet sitter in your area and have them stop by to look for your cat. I am a pet sitter and I have done this more than once for people who were packing and their pet escaped. Both times I found the pet at the door and having been given a key was able to let them in.
Other than that the only other suggestion I can offer is prayer.
Keep us posted.
He's back!!!:7 As a last resort before going to bed tonight, I let Patsy, our dog out, thinking that maybe Chester would see her and follow her back to the house. My son was unable to go to sleep and was crying because he was so upset. I said we'll go outside one more time to call Chester. Guess who was there at the door...Patsy and Chester. Yahoo!!! Needless to say, Patsy is the hero of the hour. We were sooooo excited. We ran upstairs and woke my daughter up so she could see Chester. He is snuggled up safe and warm in the bed with my son. ...so a very stressful night ended happy. :7

Thanks for the understanding and advice!

Lee Anne
Lee Anne, I was just about to post some more suggestions...and the ones you got were great...when I saw your post. I am SO happy for you & your family! I can't stand the thought of a beloved pet being MIA...I've seen too much of it. And, as you know, Ragdolls are not temperamentally suited to be outside on their own. I'm SO relieved!

Give Patsy extra hugs & kisses today! She deserves it. That was a great idea.

Enjoy your trip, now that you can!
Ruth:) :) :)
Hooray!!! :D

I don't know when a post has given me such a jolt of relief! I'm so very happy for you! Patsy IS truly the hero tonight all across the world! Give her my hugs from Texas. And also some for Chester, for going through such a scary ordeal.

Thank you for coming on and posting even though it was late, we appreciate it.

Your family is truly blessed this holiday season!

Have a safe trip!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
When my cat went missing, we printed out lots of notes to put in neighbours doors describing him and asking people to check their gardens, garages, etc. We alos included our telephone number. Many of the neighbours were kind enough to let us look around their gardens. He came back over a week later, starving and very very thin, so we think he may have got trapped somewhere.

Edited: Just read that your cat came back. What a relief! I remember how upset I was when mine went missing!
Hi Lee Anne

I was glad to read your cat is home safe and sound.

Our cat Rubin "Hides" inself on purpose whenever we have to go away for a couple of days. He "just" knows that when we start wondering through the house packing, or cleaning, that we will eventually want to take him to the Catanery...............which oddly enough, he loves, when hes finally there.

So without fail, for a few hours he will "hide" in the most parculiar places, prolonging the inevertable, and one time we even missed our sheduled transport because of him.

We could trick him and take him to the Catanery "way" before we go, but to us his behaviour has almost become like a game.........a bit like the book "Wheres Waldo" ...........so we just let him do his "you cant find me" routine, and none of us get too stressed over it.

Gotta love cats just as much as dogs

I feel your pain Lee Anne, I lost 2 cats within 2 weeks of each other shortly after my daughter was born. One of them got out of my hands as I was taking her to the vets a few miles from home, and she was black and it was dark, so I was never able to find her. (the other one we think we've seen living down the street. He seriously was NOT happy that there was a baby in the house, so I suspect he left to where he could be king of the house again).

Does the kitty have a collar with his name on it? I had another cat get out once and he was returned later that day by someone who found him. If not, take heart that he got out near your house. Chances are he has found a warm spot to hang out for a little while and is just checking things out.

We have 3 cats now, and all go outside. We have 3 acres (2 of which are heavily wooded), so they LOVE to be outside. They fight like crazy when they're stuck in the house together, so I don't make them stay in. My favorite cat, Purrple, likes to make me nervous every few days and stays away longer than I would like. The others are usually hanging around right near the house. If kitty still has his claws and some other critter comes near, he'll probably climb up a tree.

When he does come home - look out. He'll probably be wanting to go outside ALL the time now. It's just that one little taste of the great outdoors they need and they're hooked.

The idea about leaving the food out is a good one. Some places also have humane traps you can set up. I believe the animal shelters use them. You put some food in the back of it, then when the kitty goes in, the door shuts and he's caught. Maybe you could borrow one and ask a neighbor to periodically check it while your gone?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family.

OOPS! I see he's back. HOORAY!!!
I feel your pain Lee Anne, I lost 2 cats within 2 weeks of each other shortly after my daughter was born. One of them got out of my hands as I was taking her to the vets a few miles from home, and she was black and it was dark, so I was never able to find her. (the other one we think we've seen living down the street. He seriously was NOT happy that there was a baby in the house, so I suspect he left to where he could be king of the house again).

Does the kitty have a collar with his name on it? I had another cat get out once and he was returned later that day by someone who found him. If not, take heart that he got out near your house. Chances are he has found a warm spot to hang out for a little while and is just checking things out.

We have 3 cats now, and all go outside. We have 3 acres (2 of which are heavily wooded), so they LOVE to be outside. They fight like crazy when they're stuck in the house together, so I don't make them stay in. My favorite cat, Purrple, likes to make me nervous every few days and stays away longer than I would like. The others are usually hanging around right near the house. If kitty still has his claws and some other critter comes near, he'll probably climb up a tree.

When he does come home - look out. He'll probably be wanting to go outside ALL the time now. It's just that one little taste of the great outdoors they need and they're hooked.

The idea about leaving the food out is a good one. Some places also have humane traps you can set up. I believe the animal shelters use them. You put some food in the back of it, then when the kitty goes in, the door shuts and he's caught. Maybe you could borrow one and ask a neighbor to periodically check it while your gone?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family.

OOPS! I see he's back. HOORAY!!!
Lee Anne~
Thank God your Chester has returned! kittys are very special to their owners. We lost our kitty, Bella Gato, to a fast car two blocks away from our home in September, and the people on this forum were exceptionally comforting about the situation. This forum and the people who visit it continue to be wonderful. Thanks to all who make it a pleasant cyber visit.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

Lee Anne~
Thank God your Chester has returned! kittys are very special to their owners. We lost our kitty, Bella Gato, to a fast car two blocks away from our home in September, and the people on this forum were exceptionally comforting about the situation. This forum and the people who visit it continue to be wonderful. Thanks to all who make it a pleasant cyber visit.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

Lee Anne,

Thank God you found your kitty! I have 2 cats of my own and I know I would have been hysterical.........your pooch is such a hero
:7 :7 !! Those cleaning people need to be a little more careful next time!

Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty.......what a pretty name for a cat! I lost 2 cats in less than 2 years...one had to be put to sleep because he was so old he had some form of dementia and my other one had cancer, so I definitely understand the loss. I hope you guys are doing ok!
Lee Anne,

Thank God you found your kitty! I have 2 cats of my own and I know I would have been hysterical.........your pooch is such a hero
:7 :7 !! Those cleaning people need to be a little more careful next time!

Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty.......what a pretty name for a cat! I lost 2 cats in less than 2 years...one had to be put to sleep because he was so old he had some form of dementia and my other one had cancer, so I definitely understand the loss. I hope you guys are doing ok!
Lee Anne,

I'm so happy that your cat is home! I was so alarmed upon hearing it was out there all alone! I was almost in tears! Now I can't this smile of relief off of my face! :)

I hope you, your family, and your beloved pets have a wonderful holiday!

Lee Anne,

I'm so happy that your cat is home! I was so alarmed upon hearing it was out there all alone! I was almost in tears! Now I can't this smile of relief off of my face! :)

I hope you, your family, and your beloved pets have a wonderful holiday!

If there is an animal sheleter near your town, call there as well.
Since you will be gone for the weekend, I suggest putting up signs about your lost cat, and giving your vet as a drop-off place where he can be taken while you are out of town (or a friends who is in town).

Do you have a garage? As an alternative, you could leave the garage door up enough so that the cat could get in, and set up a warm bed area (a box with some blankets) where he can stay if he comes back home).

Have you walked around the neighborhood calling "kitty, kitty, kitty?" Be persistant, and pause to listen for meowing (in winter, cats will try to find a warm spot, and sometimes may be shut in someone's garage (accidentally) or be in a location that they can't get out of (like in a crawl space).

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