OT: Fake vs. real (Christmas trees, that is)


I came across some enlightening info regarding artificial vs. fresh-cut trees and thought I'd pass it along to the environment-conscious here. I hope no one gets offended for some reason or other:

Natural Christmas tress are better for the environment than artificial ones.

98% of Christmas trees are plantation grown (on about 1 million acres) and while they're growing, supply enough oxygen for 18 million people (1 acre produces enough oxygen for 18 people).

OTOH, the production of artificial trees consumes enormous amounts of resources, and are not biodegradable and will remain in our landfills for centuries.
I am not offended at all by your comments. I would love to have a real tree at Christmas, but allergies will not permit it. My son gets sick every year at Christmas just from working at H.E.B. around the real trees. Just think what would happen if we put one in our house? I'm also allergic. Luckily, we have used the same artificial tree for five years now. I had thought about getting rid of it and buying another one, but after reading your comments I will definitely try to sell this tree first. I will keep it before I throw it in the trash. Thanks, Kelley
I am also an environmentally inclined Cathaholic. We need to get manufacturers to produce more biodegradable item across the board! Thanks for the information. Knowledge is power!
Yes, and recycling is not enough. If we do not provide a market for goods made from recycled products, the "circle" stops. Buy things made from recycled paper, plastics. Even if it costs more, because with the cheap stuff, the extra costs are just shuffled off to "the environment" and we all pay for that eventually. And of course, for the really radical, who needs to use Christmas trees anyway? If the marketing folks told us to put a 40 pound rock in our living rooms every holiday season and paint it orange, we would probably do it.

christmas rock

Mogambo!!! This is too funny... I'm sitting here at my desk, it's 4:00 pm and I'm dying to get out of work and go for a run... but alas I still have another two hours... so I take a mental break and check out the forum... your post really made me laugh! Just picturing a giant orange rock decorated for christmas in my living room... too funny! Thanks!

(I totally agree with you guys... it always saddens me to see all these christmas trees lying in the street, purged from our homes... at least they will be chopped up and recycled... the fake ones will take up more space in our landfills)


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