I came across some enlightening info regarding artificial vs. fresh-cut trees and thought I'd pass it along to the environment-conscious here. I hope no one gets offended for some reason or other:
Natural Christmas tress are better for the environment than artificial ones.
98% of Christmas trees are plantation grown (on about 1 million acres) and while they're growing, supply enough oxygen for 18 million people (1 acre produces enough oxygen for 18 people).
OTOH, the production of artificial trees consumes enormous amounts of resources, and are not biodegradable and will remain in our landfills for centuries.
Natural Christmas tress are better for the environment than artificial ones.
98% of Christmas trees are plantation grown (on about 1 million acres) and while they're growing, supply enough oxygen for 18 million people (1 acre produces enough oxygen for 18 people).
OTOH, the production of artificial trees consumes enormous amounts of resources, and are not biodegradable and will remain in our landfills for centuries.