Do you know what type of orchid it is? (Dendrobium, Phalenopsis, etc) For some orchids, you can cut the flower stalk back to just above a node (there will be a line or what looks like a tiny papery sheath on the stalk) and the node will produce a smaller secondary flower stalk. If not, it may take a year or two for the plant to flower again. Flower initiation in orchids may be based on daylength or on environmental factors (wet/dry cycles).
Since you have already fertilized the orchid, just water it as needed. If your plant needs repotting, now is a good time to do it. Make sure to use a medium appropriate for your specific type of orchid as different types have different media requirements. Orchids usually only need to be repotted if the roots are rotting or the medium is breaking down. If your orchid is epiphytic (a type that normally grows on trees) they may have roots growing on the surface or over the edge of the pot and that's okay.
Good luck with your orchid and try not to kill it with kindness. Most orchids are very hardy and as long as they have the environmental conditions they need (which range wildly from humid to dry, bright light to heavy shade depending on the species!) require very little care.