Oprah's Bootcamp


I'm surprised I havent seen anyone else post about this yet! I'm going to start this challenge on Monday and I can't wait! It's exactly what I've been looking for! anyone else interested?
I couldn't imagine going a whole month without any whole grain carbs. I could go without the white stuff, GO Oprah.

Gee! they surrrrrrrrre made Oprah look a little ' TOO GOOD" on that web sight!

but I love the white workout outfit shes wearing


You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I looked on the web site but can't figure out the routine:

How do you workout 6 days a week with weights? Unless we alternate from upper & Lower body. Then add 2 days of circuit?
Could someone show me how this would look?
Thanks in advance!
The program looks like it involves too much thinking on my part. I'll just keep popping in the Cathe DVDs and tapes, thank you - no thinking just effort.

Yes, and I do agree, Oprah looked suspiciously different than she does on TV in that picture. Well, if the camera adds ten pounds, the internet must subtract it.

I'm not big Oprah fan anyway. I give a frog's fat ass about anything she does.
I need to start working out again after a hiatus. I think the cardio guidelines in "Oprah's Bootcamp" are helpful..for cardio, it says "So by the end of the three months, you'll be doing almost an hour a day, and double that on the sixth session." Does anyone here do a two hour cardio session?? Sounds like alot to me. :eek:
I'm with eminenz. Oprah has gained and lost weight so many times I can't count. Because of that I just can't put her up as a role model for weight loss/maintenance/exercise - especially given the fact that she can afford the best of personal trainers, personal chefs, and gym equipment. JMHO.
Oprah does do a lot (probably more than necessary)cardio because Bob Greene is a no or little weights kind of trainer (where did he get his education?). But those 2-hour sessions are actually 2 1-hour sessions. Still more than I want to do on any given day.
For the 2 hrs on Sat I plan on splitting that up so an hr in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. I'm tweaking things a bit here and there, like not doing without complex carbs the first month. I don't do so well with that. As for the weights every day, I've splitting it up like this

Mon- chest, shoulders and tris
Tues- back and bis
Wed- legs
Thur- chest shoulders and tris
Tues- back and bis
Fri- legs
Sat- cardio
Okay, 2 1-hour sessions is way more feasible, but still tough to get in. Any ideas on when to start splitting the sessions? You start off with 60. Maybe keep it as one session up until 80, then begin to split it as 60 and 20?

Or maybe I will just keep 6th workout number static at 60. 60 mins, 6 times a week sounds more than enough to me and more realistic.

I really like the guideline of adding 2 minutes onto each week. I don't really like toying with the incline, speed etc. so I think I'll just go for a steady-pace.

I'm a college student so I have limited space to work with and I'm still an intermediate exerciser so I'll be using Cathe's upper and lower body add-ons from Basic Step.

I don't know what I'll do/if I'll do the circuit training portion of the program, I like the idea, I just don't know how I'd work it since I don't have treadmill/weights within reach of each other.

For diet, in March I plan on starting eDiets..until then I'll just eat sensibly.
I think a fun way to do her Bootcamp program would be an entire CTX in the morning for cardio and weights. Then for the evening circuit 2 nights a week you could do 30 min of either Cardio/Weights, Circuit Max, or Body Fusion. Use IMAX 2 for the double cardio session. Lean legs could be one of the 30min cardio/20 min wieghts days since its pretty dynamic. I'm not sure I'd want to do the 120 min of cardio, nor would I want to do 60 min cardio plus 20 min weights plus another 30 min circuit. I think that's just an invitation for overtraining, even if it is for only 12 weeks.
Wow, I'd be worried about how quickly I'd get frustrated about not finding the time to get all of these workouts in.... and anything that is complicated loses me by the end of the first week. I think when you are juggling kids, a job, a house, and other responsibilities, it just gives you an excuse to fall off the bandwagon... but I'll be very interested to see anyone's results here, and I wish you luck!


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