Opinoins wanted on Amy Bento's Hi/low dome challenge.


Hello everyone,

I have just made my new year a little brighter by using a gift card to order Cathe's calender and Amy Bento's Hi/low dome challenge. I got a surprise Christmas present from Santa who brought me a BOSU ball!! I have been able to use it for Cathe's 4 day split, legs and parts of bootcamp. It is amazing how it ramps up your heart rate. But I have been looking for workouts specifically for the BOSU and not surprisingly there are very very few options. I don't have any hi/low workouts and I have come to appreciate and enjoy Amy's style but I would like anyones opinion who have done this workout.
Especially about the dome part of the workout because she only shows a very short clip of that portion of the workout on her preview.

I've tried the high/low workout a couple times and I liked it. It's not nearly as difficult to learn as Hi/Low Extreme, which I traded away because it frustrated me too much. The music is good and the moves are fun. There are some twirly moves in it, but nothing I couldn't handle (and I'm really not great with tricky choreography).

I don't have a BOSU and haven't tried that portion yet. So, I guess I haven't really been much help to you. Hopefully someone else will have some info for you.

I have this workout. I really wanted to like it, but for some reason it just doesn't click with me. I have done the hi/lo twice and the bosu/dome only once. The hi/lo isn't as hard as the hi/lo extreme, but I just don't find it that fun to do. And the dome workout I just didn't care for some of the moves or the leg work.
Some workouts I do like with the bosu:
Tracey Staehle Sculpt Sweatfest
Season Zeigler Bosu Blast (great core section)
Rob Glick (I found at collage video)
Mindy Myrlea & Kelly Roberts DVD Body bar and Bosu training Bosu Burn and Explode(2 workouts on one dvd)
Bosu Reactive Strength and Power by Gay Gasper is a goody
Hope this helps
I bought this workout specifically for the dome workout and was disappointed. There really isn't much of the BOSU work on the DVD. I have REALLY enjoyed the CIA DVD called Double Cardio. There is a functional fitness workout with Sharon Twombly (similar to All Body Attack) and then a full cardio workout on the BOSU with Seasun Zeigler. Sharon's workout doesn't use the BOSU, but it's an awesome workout.

Some people do not like Cardio with the BOSU. They find it unstable and potentially dangerous. I enjoy it. I would recommend trying a slower, simpler step workout (beginner or low intermediate) with the BOSU and see if you like it. Although, that may not be good advice because you may not know where you need to modify. If you try it, be careful.

I have not found a BOSU strength DVD I like.
RE: Opinoins wanted on Amy Bento's Hi/low dome challeng...

I recently bought a BOSU along with the CIA Double Cardio and Bento's Hi/Lo. Have done both once. I like the abs in the hi/lo workout. The Seasun Zieger workout is decent, but it'll take me a few tries to get all the moves down. Some of it was a bit repetitive, but there's a section in there that I found tricky (at least it was for me). I don't know how often I'll really reach for either. Although I'm open to other instructors, I have to admit, that very often when I stray from Cathe, I am underwhelmed.

I've used the BOSU for HSC, which I really enjoyed, and for Basic Step, but for the most part, I use it regularly for abs and for pushups. It is a great piece of equipment, and as you become familiar with it, you'll probably think of existing step workouts that you own which would work well with it.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

The BOSU workout on this DVD was just okay. I tried it a few days ago. It's short, like 25 minutes. There were some ab exercises that I really liked in it but I can't say it's a workout I would find myself doing on a regular basis. For me, it's not enough strength training as you do just one set of each exercise.

The Hi/Low part.. I loved! :)
I did the Dome workout with my new Bosu yesterday and I did not feel like it was a great strength workout. I love the Hi/Lo part so I won't do the Dome portion very often.

I love Amy's newest Hi/Lo. I frequently use the Dome Challenge as a core workout. It's not a good upper body workout, but if you focus on your core it really does work and there is not a crunch in it.

I love HiLo Dome Challenge. The music is fun, the moves are fun, and it's a nice little sweatfest. It was easier for me to learn than HLX but I love that one too. I've only done the Dome Challenge once. I think it is nice for an extra cardio/core boost but not for a stand alone workout unless you just want an easy day or want to do a little workout on a rest day.

I own Double Cardio with the bosu workout on it and it is an awesome cardio workout with a great core section.

I do find it hard to find challenging bosu workouts and rarely use it for strength. www.bosufitness.com used to have a ton of short workout clips, showing you how to use your bosu but they've changed the site and you have to be a member now. Not sure if you will have access to clips anymore...boo.


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