Opinions on Fat Loss Rotation

I'd love to get Debbie's and everyone's opinion on this rotation. Here's some info:

wt: 149 lbs;
bf%: 29.9% according to DEXA scan;
ht: 5'6"
Goal: 135 lbs;
body type: endo/meso mix carry most of my weight in arms and legs. Legs are strong, upper body is weak.


Here is a recent picture of me along with a discussion of the dreaded DEXA scan results:

This is my plan:
Day 1: 30-40 min. Cardio + legs (medium weights: 12-15 reps ie: B&G)
Day 2: 30-40 min. Cardio + back, shoulders & biceps (medium weights: ie: GS)
Day 3: 30-40 min. Cardio+ chest & tri’s (medium weights: ie: GS)
Day 4: Off
Day 5: 30-40 min. Cardio + legs (low weights/hi reps: ie: Beachbody Firm it Up or Jari Love’s Slim & Lean)
Day 6: 30-40 min. Cardio + back, shoulders & biceps (low weights/hi/reps: Jari Love’s S&L)
Day 7: 30-40 min. Cardio+ chest & tris’ (low weights/hi reps: Jari Love’s S&L)
Day 8: Off

Cardio would consist of any of the following:
Kick Max
Powerstrike 1 & 2
Cardio Fusion
Drill Max
Body Max 2

My goal is to lose these 15 lbs. by August 1st. Any guidance or suggestions is much appreciated. Thanks!
ETA: Sorry, I meant to insert a link to photobucket, but it keeps inserting the picture instead.
Terri - Are you going to split this up into two workouts during the day? I.e., a.m. and p.m. workouts? If so, this looks good. If not and you are planning on doing it all together, I think you would head into overtraining fast. Doing 30-40 min. + back, shoulders & biceps would take you way over the hour mark. Muscle will break down after approximately 45-60 min. of training in one session.

Also, if you are doing this together, do weight training first and then cardio, but cut the cardio down to 30 min.

I will be the first to admit that when I was doing 2 hour workouts a day I was making very little progress. Once I cut it back to intense 45-60 minute workouts a day (one rest day) I made excellent progress.

I like the breakdown of the way you have the weights set up, I'd be interested in hearing your progress on this.
Hi, Debbie-Thank you for your insight. I was going to do it all together, but you make a good point about breaking it up. I'll change it up so that I'll do cardio in the a.m. (fasted) and then weights in the afternoon. I, too, am interested in my progress! I'll keep you posted. However, I'll need to tighten up the diet in order to see any true progress!

Thanks again!

I don't have any informative or helpful advice to offer. ;) I just wanted to say that you are beautiful!

I read the thread you linked. My tanita scale must measure my body fat lower than it is too. Currently, it says that I'm anywhere between 17.5 to 19.5%. Yea, right. Then I look down at my saddlebags to make sure they're still there! LOL

Please keep us updated on how your rotation is working. It will be interesting to hear how cardio in the am and weights in the pm works for you. I'm like you in that I would like to lose almost 10 pounds and tone up my legs and arms. I'm a meso/?, mainly meso though. I carry most of my body fat on my legs and then my arms. I have noticed definition in my arms from using Jari's S&L.

Best of wishes!
Thank you for the compliment.

Yeah, I just my tanita scale just for gains/losses, not for actual measurement. I don't know if I want another DEXA scan because the results were so depressing. It did, however, get my butt in gear to do something different.

I will keep you posted on the progress. I did legs & glutes this evening and there will be lots of DOMS going on tomorrow! I am excited about the rotation, hoping it will give me the desired results. Jari's S&L is a great workout; I was skeptical at first, but really enjoy the workout.

Thanks again!

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