CIA suggestions (long)
Overall, I give CIA two thumbs up. This series is not always as intense (high impact) as Cathe's, but it is very easy to modify by either adding jumps/hops to the moves, or by holding 3lb weights. You can also use these tapes for your less intense days.
My workouts consist exclusively of exercise videos, so as much as I love Cathe, there is no way I can do her tapes 6-10 times a week, every week, every month, every year..... The monotomy would kill me, and this is where CIA fits in nicely.
I would definitely suggest ordering some CIA videos (try a variety) and see if you like them. My favorite instructors are Franny Bendetto and Christi Taylor, but they are not the only good ones in the series.
I've tried Janis Saffel, both kick box and step, but I just couldn't get into her style. Bad cueing doesn't bother me much, simply because after you've done the videos a few times, you have a general grasp on the moves. What does bother me is the instructor missing beats and being off-tempo, and Janis does this a lot. Mindy Mylrea also gets good reviews, but I found her personality too cheeky. She does have good exercises, variety and cueing. Her footwork can be tricky. I think because she used a 6" step, and I found it hard to keep up with all the quick changes on my 8", but when I did shift to the 6" step, the rest of the workout was not challenging enough.
My recommendations of CIA best bets:
CIA 2K04 - Becky Chamberlain Kicked Up Step. This is one of my favorite videos, a combination of step and kicbox. Cathe uses this theme for a couple of segments on Circuit Max. I was hoping one of her new videos would be devoted to step kick box, but oh well - maybe next time. Becky's kicked-up step is not as high impact as Cathe, but it is very easy to modify the step knees into jump knees, or any other high impact moves. This video is lots of fun.
CIA 2203 - Terrie Reeves Kick box Boot Camp. This tape is great. Lots of great punches, jumps and some really good core work toward the end. The music matches well to the beats of your kicks and punches.
CIA 9801 - Christi Taylor Step & Hi-Lo. Awesome tape. Great choreography, very fun to do. Cueing is very good, and Christi is very friendly without being overbearing
CIA 9902 - Kelli Roberts Kick-box and strength. This tape is ~90 minutes. The first 50 minutes are kickbox/jump rope segments. Kelli has good form for her kick box moves, but sometimes the punches and kicks are a little slow - thus making the workout only moderately intense. I really like the jump rope parts of this tape.
CIA 9903 - I am loving the boot camp theme, and Helen really gets into this one.
CIA 2K05- Franny Benedetto Cardio Parties (step & hi-lo). This tape is a lot of fun. Great choreography, good intensity, fun music.
Another thing to remember about CIA tapes is that in general, they are long. Usually there is more than one workout on each tape, so if you do both, thic is great for building your endurance.
The only other complaint I have about CIA, and I'm kind of surprised no one else mentioned it, is the background exercisers. Unlike Cathe's crew, they are not always the fittest looking bunch, and quite often some of them have very poor form. But this is a minor problem for me, because CIA instructors are very good, and only a few of the ones in the back are awful.