Opinion on Job Change...


Active Member
Can anyone give me advice or their opinion.....I have been with the same company for almost 18yrs. I started at the bottom as an entry level secretary and have worked my way up to an executive assistant which in my company is the farthest you can get, administrative-wise, without going back to school to get a degree. I have been in the exec. asst. role for just about a year now and I hate every minute of every day. Yeah - the money is nice but it is not worth the stress of the job. Here is what I need advice on - I have been offered to go work at a private school as an administrative asst. I would make less money but the benefits are the same as what I have now and as an added bonus I would have off all the same school holidays as my son who is starting kindergarten on Thursday. Do I take it and make less money but am less stressed and am able to be home when my kids are or do I stay put and just deal with it and continue to make good money?

Thank you for any advice/comments!!!!

I guess that would depend on what your needs are. Can you afford to take the cut in pay? For me, it would be worth it (if I was able to swing it) to make less money, but be less stress. And to be home with your kids- that would be awesome. Well, most of the time ;) If you haven't already, make a list of the pros and cons and see what you come up with. Good luck!!
Hi there:
I agree that if you look at your financial situation and find that you will be able to still make it financially with the lower paying job, then I would seriously consider that option. If you feel like you cannot take the paycut, then I would continue to look for a position in another company where you will have less stress but comparable pay. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time and since a person spends so much of his/her life at work it makes sense to look for a job where you will feel happier all around.

That being said, it's definitely also important to determine how you will be able to handle finances at a lower paying job. Financial stress is never good either.

I think that when you weigh all of your options, you will know what the best decision for you will be at this time in your life. I know that when I decided not to take a higher paying job recently - after much agonizing about the decision - I found that after I finally made my decision to stay with my current job, I felt much calmer and happier. I knew that it was the right choice for me.

Good luck!

I agree with the others. If you can handle the cut in pay, it sounds like a great opportunity, and one which would have a positive impact on your health.

I agree with the others in that, if the cut in pay isn't too dramatic, then take the other job and enjoy the decreased stress and increased family time. HOWEVER, if you do that (or even if you elect to stay with your current job), I strongly recommend you start taking steps to get your degree, be it through a brick-and-mortar college / university or an accredited, respectable online program. It's getting more and more difficult to punch through the workplace glass ceiling (in the pay scale sense) without a degree, and the day is going to come when a degree will give you much more latitude in terms of the kind of job - and work environment - you can get.

As I'm sure you know, more and more accredited post-high-school institutions are becoming very friendly to the non-traditional degree-seeking crowd. Do consider availing yourself of one of these.

i posted a few weeks ago about the exact thing. I too have been at my job for 18 yrs. I am sick of the same old bull crap ,nothing has changed and I was offered a job somewhere else but making more money,benefits werent as good. It took alot for me but i chose to leave and take the new job. I havent started yet but now that i actually decided i feel okay with my decision. the hardest part for me is that i am comfortable with my old job and the hardest thing was change and get the guts to make this change. hopefully i wont regret it but i dont think i will. the new job will be more money less stress. i am sure there will be things about the new job that i wont like but where i am currently there is no other facility thqat is as demanding as it is. good luck in whatever your decision is.
I am 3 weeks into a new job after being with my past company for 16 years. My boss had an delightful way of making life hell for those around her. I can't tell you how glad I am to have made the move. Looking foward to my day is such a pleasure.

Good luck!!
This is definitely a decision only you can make.
You've gotten some good advice.
I'd suggest making a list of pros and cons for changing to the new job. If the "pros" are things that will make your life and your future better, and the "cons" are all things you can live with or work around, it's pretty much a no-brainer.

Is there a possibility for advancement, or better pay, in the foreseeable future at the new job?

Decide what your priorities are, and make the choice based on that.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
Hello and THANK YOU for all the advice. It was really helpful to hear what others think and to those of you that have been in the same situation thank you for letting me know how you are doing now. I have decided to accept the position and I am happy with my decision. I gave my notice this morning to my boss.

How do I know it won't be more stressful than the job I am in now - I am working in a type of environment that requires you to constantly check your voice mail and email. And my current boss is the type that nothing is I do is ever right and if by some strange reason it was right well then it could have been done better. She is a MICRO-manager like I have never seen. I have looked into going to school to get a degree but nothing really got my attention and I have a 4yr and a 5yr so I find it difficult to be at work all day then school 1/2 the night.

Again, thank you so much for all your replies. I really appreciate it!!!


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