opinion of Ab Hits


I'm thinking of buying Ab Hits with the calendar. What are everyone's opinions on this DVD. Is it worth buying if you have most of Cathe's DVD's and therefore have most of the ab routines. I guess I'm wondering if the premixes make it worth it. Thanks for your help.

I had this one and got rid of it. I don't remember any premixes perse (this was "pre-premixes"!), just a very busy list of segments that you can choose from in a mix-and-match fashion (choose one segment, it plays, then you go back to the menu page where you can choose another section).

I didn't think it was worth it, and Cathe's more recent ab/core work is better, IMO.
Thanks Kathryn that's what I needed to know. I thought it had premixes. I don't like the mix and match options. I have plenty of great ab workouts to choose from with the new workouts anyway. Thanks again.

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