oops, sorry!


Ok, I woke up this morning to my period. so would you consider this an early April fools, or late? I am looking at it this way, my period was just late, and trying to forget the the pregancy test was possitive. That way I don't feel quite as bad. But I feel horrible about telling everyone so soon now. I'm so sorry to have brought you all on the horrible Roller coaster with me, I truely am. I think that I will give this one more try without talking to a doc about what's wrong, only because this time I feel like I was only pregant, in my mind at least, for a few days. Most women wouldn't have even known they were pregnant.
I am truely almost even embarassed to have told you all so soon. Maybe I'll be back next month again, you will all get to know me pretty well something tells me!
I'm off, talk to you later!

Kathy, no oops necessary EVER AT ALL, ya got that?? You should feel free to come here and say anything, anytime, without embarrassment or fear of any judgment.

I'm not a pregnant mom (in fact, I'm almost a college mom at this point!), but I follow this Forum out of delight and interest, and have seen your posts throughout this year. I'm so very sorry this pregnancy and the earlier ones this year didn't work out for you, sweetie. That's just the most dreadful emotional roller coaster to be on, and made worse for you I'm sure by the huge changes in hormones that your little body has gone through in rapid succession. I'm really distressed for you.

The good news here is that it doesn't seem to be difficult for you and your DH to conceive, and you have a wonderful attitude about this. Take some time to rest and recover, Kath, and then I'd suggest that you and your DH think about talking to your doctor soon about investigating why you're having some trouble sustaining a pregnancy. You may have a little bit of a hormone imbalance or something not too complicated like that. It's been a long time since I was pregnant and I'm sure Melanie or Briee or any number of the other young, knowledgeable moms here can chime in with much more info than I have, but I believe that there are some relatively simple solutions that you might be able to try that would help you "stay" pregnant.

We're all here for you, even us "old" moms who just lurk! ;-) Take good care of yourself and keep us up to date on how you're doing!

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
The same thing happened to me earlier this year... I could swear I was pregnant... The test showed 2 lines, I was feeling sick and dizzy... My DH told his whole family! Then a week later I got my period. This may sound really sad and depressing, but it's a possibility that you were pregnant, but it didn't "take" -- either way, I am very sorry, and I hope you are taking care of yourself. Stay strong! It will happen. We love ya!
Don't be embarrassed, Kathy. I'm ttc and I could easily do the same thing. Kathy S. has some great advice including rest, recover and most importantly, relax (something I'm trying to do!) Diana
Wow, you are all so wonderful thank you. I am thinking about what to do next here, and have talked to DH about what he thinks. He personally doesn't feel that I need to go see a specialist, but that I need to give the depo shot longer to wear off. Well, I've given it almost a year and a half now, isn't that long enough? But I do think we should wait for about a month or two here and then start to try again. mainly just to let my body regulate itself again. I may or may not go see a specialist. If I do it's just to take the question if there is anything wrong out of our equation. I'm just so unsure what is happening, I really want to know why, ya know. Like you said it may just be a hormonal imbalance that is easy to correct. right now who knows, but it might be worth it to check it out.
I'll let you know what I decide no matter what though.
Hi Kathy,
I don't post on this board very often, but I do lurk now and again. My heart goes out to you right now. I know how discouraging this must be. As someone already said, have faith in knowing that it is not difficult for you to conceive (for many people that is the hard part). Is there any way you could possibly make an appt. with your ObGyn before going to a specialist? I know that I have had several friends go through one or more miscarriages and it was later discovered (by their ObGyn) that the root of the problem was a hormone imbalance that was easily corrected. Once corrected they were able to have a healthy pregnancy. Just a thought. Hang in there. It will happen. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers...AND PLEASE don't in any way feel guilty about posting your news on this board. That is what everyone is here for--to offer support when needed.

Take care of yourself!!
:) :)
Kathy,I'm so glad you've decided to share your story with us. How many others have gone through the same thing but haven't had the courage to actually post online? You have a huge heart and lots of courage. Your testimony means a lot to all of us. Thanks for sharing!

Okay, I'm not a fertility expert but here are some of my thoughts: Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate (although they do boast at being 99%+ accurate). Thing do go wrong with the tests: human error, lab error, expired tests, etcetra. Lots of things. It may be possible that you weren't pregnant at all, remember that premenstural symptoms mirror early pregnancy symptoms.

Having said that, if you were my sister (or another close loved one) I would recommend that you would at least schedule an appointment with a specialist. It sometimes takes several months to get in... and you have nothing to lose by making an appointment. If you change your mind, or become pregnant in the meantime you can always cancel.

Again, not a fertility specialist...but when I was in pharmacy school, as an intern we made lots of progesterone vaginal suppositories for women who had difficulty carrying their embryos/fetus'. It was specifically used in women who had no trouble conceiving, just carrying. The prescriptions were almost always prescribed by feritility specialist. Pharmacies in the Cities compound these quite often.

We're here for you Kathy! Glad to hear from you, you know you can always send me a personal e-mail too, K? Take care & may God bless you during this time.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Kathy, you've had plenty of good advice up there...just wanted to say that you should never be embarassed to post anything here. We're here for support and encouragement and I'm thankful that you felt you could share your news. I think so many people don't feel like they can tell others early on and I know sometimes you just want to burst and share with someone....this is a great place to do so. :) :) :) . Continue to keep us posted as to your progress, it very well could be a hormonal imbalance. Prayers and hugs.



I read your post and saw Depo and had to respond. The median time to conception for those who do conceive is 10 months following the last injection with a range of 4 to 31 months (per the Physician Prescribing Information). It is expected that 93% of women will conceive within 18 months of the last injection. So, it can take a while. As an example, I still had not had any vaginal bleeding 2 years after my last injection and that meant no pregnancy. I know you will make the right decision for yourself regarding a visit to a specialist.

As everyone else has said, no need to apologize. You are in my prayers!!

I, also, think you have got some excellent advice on this forum. And there is no need to be embarrassed! Take extra special care of yourself right now. I will continue to pray for you.

You shouldn't be embarrassed at all, in fact, you are a real sweetie for sharing your info with us so soon (even if it was inaccurate).
Hey, I think every woman has experienced thinking they were pregnant and telling others only later to find out, it wasn't accurate. Please don't let this make you feel bad. Take care.

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