Oops, I did it again!



Well, ladies, I'm not sure how it happened (well, yes I am, but not sure how it happened NOW), but I am pregnant with #2. Just found out this weekend. I am 8 weeks today. ETA for little Porter #2 (aka The Sprout): August 22, 2002. I'm still in shock, since we really weren't planning to start trying until Lauren was a little older, but I'm getting more excited.

However, I am a little concerned since I don't feel the same this time. Yes, I'm a bit tired and nauseous, but not anywhere as bad as the first time around, and my breasts haven't gotten all swollen and tender like before (don't remember when exactly that happened, but I believe it was fairly early). Also no waist bloating -- all my pre-preg pants are still fitting fine, which did not happen last time. I realize that no two pregnancies are alike, but I'm a little worried that maybe this means there's something amiss, especially since I didn't know until just a few days ago and thus engaged in a few pregnancy no-nos, like wine at Christmas and a few more intense post-holiday workouts.

I know, I know, I need to talk to my doctor (have an ultrasound next week), but I'm hoping you all can maybe give me some reassurance.

Anyway, I'll look forward to checking in here more regularly again!

Hi Hazel,
Congratulations!! I'm about as far along as you are (EDD 8-15-02) with a surprise pregnancy also.
This is my 3rd pregnancy and my symptoms are a lot milder than with my previous pregnancies. I have been pretty nauseous and lightheaded, but nowhere near as severe as my first two and my breasts haven't been tender at all.
I have also been really concerned about some very intense workouts that I did before I knew I was pregnant, but have received lots of reassurance that the baby would be ok.
Well, congratulations again!! Good luck with your doctor appt./ultrasound next week!
Oh, my goodness, you two!! I just found out yesterday that I am in my 8th week -- first baby -- due Aug. 14/02. We had been TTC since July. I am 40 years old and will be 41 when the baby is born. It is pretty exciting to find others who are due at almost the same time as I am!!! Congratulations!

I've had breast tenderness since before Christmas, and on Dec. 31 I suddenly lost all my desire for coffee (which had been a serious addiction up to that point). No nausea so far, and no other symptoms either.

Since you're experts on the whole baby thing, could you give me some advice? When should I be getting my first set of tests (ultrasounds, blood tests, amnio, etc.)? I do want to get everything checked out. My GP said fine, then set me up with an ob/gyn for Feb. 21. Isn't this a little late? Should I call the ob/gyn's office and try to get an earlier appointment, or is it normal not to have any official checkups until after the first trimester?
Congrats Stebby!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-02 AT 06:09PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, to me February 21 seems like a long time to wait, especially (and I don't want this to come out the wrong way, I don't mean to imply anything negative by it) since you're a bit older. There just seem to be so many more concerns with pregnancy past age 35, although I only know of this second hand, since my first was born when I was 33 (having just turned 35, I guess I'll get some direct experience this time around).

However, I think all doctors are very different in their approaches. My doctor didn't want to see me for a first check-up until 8 weeks (although I had an appointment with the nurse before that to do all the paperwork). My girlfriend (who was 36) had a doctor who like yours, made her wait until after she'd passed the 12 week mark (although she'd had a previous miscarriage -- don't know if that influenced the doctor's decision in her case). My suspicion is that they often wait because there are a fair number (more than you might think) of miscarriages between 5 and 12 or 13 weeks.

It sounds as if it was your GP, not the OB, who decided when to make the appointment (although maybe he/she was taking a cue from the OB?). I guess I might consider calling the OB's office and making sure they don't want to see you earlier. You can usuallly hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks, and that's always a reassuring (and joyful!) thing.

As for blood tests, amnio, glucose tests, etc. the OB will let you know when and if you need any or all of those. They probably will do a blood draw on your initial appointment to establish a blood-iron baseline to watch for later possible anemia. At some point they also do a test to check for Group B Strep, a bacteria that can be present in the vagina (it's not harmful to you, won't prevent a vaginal birth as long as they give you antibiotics when labor starts). I think the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) is maybe in the 5th month? (Geez, I used to know this stuff by heart. How quickly we forget!) Don't know when they do amnio and other genetics type testing, but again it's probably in that same (4-6 month) time frame. But your doc will definitely let you know the timing of all that.

Congratulations again on your pregnancy!
Hi Stebby

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I agree with Hazel that 2/21 sounds like a long time to wait for your first appointment. I would definitely call the ob directly and ask if I could get in sooner. My due date is the same as yours and I am going for my second appointment next week.
By the way, I am very envious about your lack of nausea!!:)
Take care!

Congratulations on your wonderful news! You may want to check out the book "Your Pregnancy after 35" by Glade Curtis. I was just looking at that in the bookostore last night, and it looks excellent. Her other pregnancy books are wonderful as well!

If your doctor is adamant about you not coming in sooner than Feb 21st, I would recommend that you start taking extra folic acid in addition to your regular multivitamin. Folic acid is VERY important in preventing certain defects in the 1st trimester. You can actually get a prenatal vitamin at Walmart without a prescription, and then get some folic acid to supplement that. The reason the prescription prenatals are recommended is because of the higher levels of folic acid. It seems strange to me that you need a prescription since, as I said, you can buy folic acid by itself, but hey! That's the weirdness of the FDA for you. :)

Good luck in your pregnancy!

RE: Congratulations!

Hazel, Erica and Erin, thanks so much for taking the time to pass along your thoughts. I do know that at my age risks are higher, and I really want to make sure that I know what's going on early enough that I can do something about it if there are serious problems. I just tried to call the ob/gyn's office, but it seems they close before 4:30 -- guess I will have to call from work, which I don't really want to do (the walls have ears). I figure that even if I can't get an appointment, if I could talk to the doctor on the phone for 10-15 minutes, I'll have a better idea of what I'm dealing with (and if I have to find a different doctor!).

Thanks again and best of luck with your pregnancies. (Erin, I wasn't sure if you're pregnant too? I'm guessing you are if you are looking at pregnancy books!)

I'll keep you posted!

Well . . .

I was pregnant, but had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago. I'm still looking at pregnancy books because hope springs eternal. My husband isn't sure if he wants to try again, and we're waiting until my hormones settle down a bit before we make a decision. Right now the thought of NOT trying again makes me incapable of reasonable conversation ( Think lots of tears and no coherent train of thought. "Why do you want another baby?" "Because I DO!" :) ). On all other emotional fronts I think I'm doing much better than I was.

Congrats again to both you and Hazel ( Sorry, Hazel. I didn't mean to ignore your happy news last time! :) )

congrats Hazel!

that is great news!! a new baby!!

I hope you are going to keep teaching body pump in those lawyer issue jazz pants?? :)

Just like last time, I plan to keep teaching Body Pump until almost the end. Although, probably sometime in March or April I will have to trade my lawyer-issue jazz pants for my preggo boot-cut unitard.

BTW, what are YOU doing hanging around this forum? Just slummin'? ;-)
RE: Well . . .

I'm sorry, Erin. If I had read down a couple of threads I would have seen yours. I didn't mean to come across as insensitive. I'm glad things are starting to pick up for you. Remember that everything happens for a reason and you will be just fine.


It seems like Hazel, Erica, and Erin were all preg last time I was. But maybe not. If so, you guys are brave having another one so soon! Mine was my last and it's heartbreaking sometimes to watch my baby grow! Congratulations to all!

Hi Hazel! I have not made it over here in a while and am so happy to hear of your news. Congratulations.

I, too, feel a bit different this time around. I experienced the same differencews you mentioned. Also, since it is the second time around there is a lot less focus on the pregnancy because you are so busy with your first one.

I remember asking my doctor about pushing intensly before I found out I was pregnant. He didn't seem to be overly concerned and said to obviously just be careful from here on out.

Take Care!

> August 22, 2002.

That is 1yr and 12 days past my little one's birth date!

>nauseous, but not anywhere as
>bad as the first time
Same here, with my 2nd

>around, and my breasts haven't
>gotten all swollen and tender
Neither did mine

>days ago and thus engaged
>in a few pregnancy no-nos,
>like wine at Christmas and
>a few more intense post-holiday

I really don't think either of those things are harmful.

I too did not believe that two pregnancies could be so different... but I am proof that they are. I was sick with Kalina, but not NEARLY like with Anjali.

So please believe me : different symptoms or lack of symptoms does not equate to problems!

I know it is hard though. I worried so much ...


Thanks all!

I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement. I actually had my first ultrasound on Tuesday (to establish gestational age, since we weren't really sure when I got pregnant this time) and everything looks fine. The little heart is beating away like crazy (160 BPM -- go baby!) and you could see the little arm and leg buds (OK, so the technician had to point it out to me and draw little arrows with "arm" and "leg" beside them, but it was still pretty cool). They only moved my due date up to August 24, for which I'm supremely relieved. The doctor assured me that my lack of symptoms was not a problem and that if anything I'd done prior to discovering the pregnancy had harmed the baby, I would have miscarried by now. So I'm feeling much better about everything.

Thanks again. Can't wait to get back to checking in here more regularly!

How is the little one, BTW? How has big sister adjusted? I am a bit nervous about how Lauren will react to no longer being the queen of the mountain, so to speak, although I have faith in her good nature.

Are you back to work? How's that going? Let's hear it, girl! :)

The little one is GREAT. She is a funny and happy 5 month old. She is a lot more petite than her sis at this age (5 pound difference!), but they do look very similar. Right down to the full head of dark silky hair. I'm completely and madly in love with her, as I am with my sweet Anjali.

Anjali has adjusted quite well. She was 2yrs 7 mos when Kalina was born... she just turned 3. There are moments.. and the first 3 months were pretty hard. Kalina was a marathon nurser, and poor Anjali just wanted mommy once in a while. We cosleep - but we split duties... I sleep with Kalina, Rich with Anjali, and sometimes Anjali wants her mom... but other than that, it is going great.

I'm back at work - went back in November at 3 mos post partum. It's going great - but mostly because My coworkers are terrific, and have made it easy to be back (flex hours, etc.. I work 30 hrs until mid feb, when I go back to 40. Even then, it won't be a problem).

Lauren will be fine, but she will at times require a little extra special mommy time, which i'm sure you will be eager to give. The hardest hit with all this in my family was me. I felt so guilty and so sad for losing all my anjali time - at the same time, so gloriously happy to have Kalina.. but normal redefines itself so quickly, and before we all knew it.. it had "always been this way" :)

I'm so happy for you!


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