Oooh-my aching knees...


Today was my first Cathe dvd. I did Step Heat and realized just exactly how choreographically (if that's even a word) challenged I am. No problem, I've read everyone's suggestions for such a problem and will institute the rewind and play mode for awhile. However, something that I haven't read (or this particular question) is WHY ARE MY KNEES KILLING ME TONIGHT? They hurt so much and are hurting more by the minute (motrin here I come)--aching, not sharp pains. I have fairly new xtraining shoes so that's not the problem. I do have knee sensitivities (miniscal tears) but didn't expect issues to show up with my first use.

Any input? Do I have to quit Cathe before I've even started?

Well here's some input. From my own experience only.

1.Try it on just the step platform, no risers at first.

2. Don't do any turning moves unless you have the energy to be sufficiently airborne- do your turning in midair.

3. Land toe-ball-heel. This also takes more exertion than just staying on the toe or ball of your foot while taking off again on the next step.

I'm sure you will get more input from others. At TTOM, I have more knee problems, and I think it's because I simply have less energy then.


Aching joints at TTOTM have been recognised as a PMS sympton. I find my joints ache really bad about 2 days before 'it' turns up too, sometimes almost flu like aches.

I can sympathise, I have just about every PMS sympton under the sun !!!:7

Anna :)
Connie's suggestions are good ones. Cathe's beats per minute are just too fast for some, and you may need to remove the step entirely from your workout, just doing the workout on the floor, to make these fast BPM's safe for YOUR body. I don't know how many turns there are in Step Heat, but if and when you incorporate these turns, be sure you are completely airborne . In other words, don't keep your foot on the step and turn--rather, propell yourself straight up so that your knee isn't turning while your body is!
Good luck!
I agree, I always do Cathe's step at 4" 's, I never do step with the risers. I still get a good workout !

Anna :)
Can I ask what TTOTM means?:+

I use a knee strap and that has seemed to help my knees. I also don't use higher than a 6in step. I would use a 4in. and see if that helps.
You should go to a DR.(sports specialist) and get your knees checked just in case.

refers to "that time of the month".

Thank you for the other input. I may have to use a brace...we'll see.


I found as soon as I started doing Cathe step, that my knees were more achey. I started taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM. It's great for joints anyhow, and especially all the step, it can't hurt!

I take it every single day, and I think my knees are doing better, and I'm sure many agree. I've seen threads where its unanimous that it's great stuff.

But, try the other suggestions first, maybe supplements aren't necessary for you at this time. I ordered my glucoasamine at Puritan this time, and got a good buy.

I know numerous people self included who came down to a 4 inch step and knee problems just plain vanished!!!

Give it a try, I think you'll see what I mean.

Edith ;)

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