only one tired doing 4 Day split?


Dear Cathe,
I started out this month doing the 4 day split right after doing last months slow & heave series rotation.
I did extra cardio of walk/running 3 miles the first week of the 4 day split on the "off" days.
This week I did a very tough athletic yoga on my off day and today I could hardly get through boot camp.
My question is this, are these new work outs tough and I don't realize it? Are the breaks in the rotation for a reason and I should have taken them?
I feel like a woose and I only do 90% of the weights you use in the series because I don't own weights that are that heavy yet.
4 day split seems easy but I find it to be a real challange.
This week I'm going to take the off days for a real rest and only do easy stretches.
Colleen (the whimp) in Minneapolis
Not Cathe, and I sympathize with your situation!:-(

But one thing that jumped out at me in reading your post is that you said you did "tough athletic yoga" on your day off! Yowza--you must be Wonder Woman--my hat is off to you! But I would also say that that would then not really qualify as a "day off." In fact, depending on how vigorous the session was (i.e. Ashtanga/power yoga level, for example), I would say that you actually threw in another day of a full-body workout into your rotation for the week! Contrary to popular belief, yoga can be tough stuff, as you probably know. So this may be a factor in your overall fatigue level.

I hope you rally and feel better soon!

Thanks Atgood.
I had no idea power yoga was so tough. I had a level 2 Baron Baptist dvd and I put it on yesterday.I had bought the dvd at a Tuesday Monring for $2. I don't do yoga but I think because I'm in such good shape from my Cathe's I kept up with it.
I was pooped.
Thanks for the wake up call.
Hi Colleen,

Can you tell me when you picked up the Baron Baptiste DVD, and what its title is? I just realized that there's a Tuesday Morning near me, and I'd love to get one of those DVDs.

Sometimes when I don't feel up to a Cathe workout, I do power yoga, but then realize as I'm doing it that power yoga is hard too.

Not Cathe, but you may indeed have fried your legs unduly last week sticking in the walk/runs on the "off" days, following it up with athletic yoga; athletic yoga can be very taxing on the leg muscles, and many of Boot Camps drills are real leg burners (the forward and lateral suicides, the diagonal two-footed hops forward with a tuck-turn, and so on; in fact few of the drills in 4DS-BC AREN'T leg burners).

I vote take the rest days as Cathe has outlined.

Just in passing - HELLO COLLEEN IN MINNEAPOLIS!!! I'm here in sunny Plymouth.

Hi A-Jock. I was just in Plymouth today. I live east of Lake Harret.
I am going to take an off day today just as it says in the rotation and not feel guilty.
Now I know that when Cathe says stretching or gentle yoga she means it!
Colleen ;-)
PS Betty, I bought it at the Tuesday Morning in SW Minneapolis. I got #2 & #3 in the series. They didn't have #1. It was tough. Especially the legs and shoulders.

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