online personal trainer


I read a book by a guy and ended up emailing back and forth with him for a while. Well, turns out he's just started an online personal training thingee and asked if I was intersted. The price was right and I'm struggling right now so I figured what the heck? He knows that I do workouts at home and that's what I prefer. I'm concerned though that in an effort to shock my system he'll try to get me into a gym on the theory that I've maxed out my weights. Which actually, to a point, I have, esp for the lower body exercises. I emailed him with a pretty detailed description of my Firms (and their philosophy) and the Cathe's (and I ahve all the strength ones and a good amount of the cardio ones). I think he's planning on getting me to build some more muscle and I suspect if he saw the Slow and Heavy series he'd agree that fits the bill. What do you think? He says my metabolism is shot from years of low calorie dieting (1200 or so a day with weekly binges due to deprivation) and so we need to build up the muscle and get me eating the right calories. Do you guys agree that S & H will build up my muscle and shock my system with out the need for me to go to the gym. I HATE going to the gym...its sooooo boring and lonely!
Yes. You can always do an extra set of leg pre-exhausts if you need to. Cathe says she does the pre-exhausts because, although our shoulders can hold a lot of weight, it's difficult to get the heavy weight up to our shoulders at home without a spotter. So she reduces the need for very heavy weight on the shoulders by doing some endurance pre-exhausting. You will just LOVE Slow & Heavy! :)
Hi Cbelle! Yes certainly you can do S&H. Great tapes for building more muscle. BTW you'll be sooo hungry after doing these tapes. Please make sure to eat a lot more protein & fiber. LOVE these tapes!! Best, Kathy:)
DON'T JOIN A GYM unless you are lifting 100 lb squats or more!!! You can achieve great results at home. Just ask Francine or Amyfit30 (aka Aimee) or any of those already really fit babes that work out at home! They'll tell you, you don't need a gym!

Just my opinion!
I agree with everyone so far. Slow and Heavy and then the pyramids (plenty of volume on the Pyramids) will build muscle. Remind the trainer that the best workout is the one you'll DO.
Please keep us informed on how the online personal trainer works out. I might be interested! By the way, your history sounds exactly like me! What are your current stats and what are your goals? Can you let me know how he advises you?

Thanks, Lisa
Hi Lisa! A little on my stats: I'm 33 yrs old, had 2 children, 5'5, 140 lbs, 17.5% body fat, and would like to get down to 12-15% body fat and approx 125 lbs. I send this trainer my workout and what I ate for the day every nite and he emails me no less than twice a week with suggestions, a workout plan (he's going to change it up every 4 wks) and food ideas. I just started this week. By Sun he'll have my workout plan for me, and I've got my fingers crossed I can do it all at home and not give up my videos. I've emailed him tons of times already with in depth details of the tapes so he has a clearer idea of them. He wants me to up my calories to 1800/day but we're taking it slow cuz I've been eating around 1200 for years and my metabolism is shot...except of course for those binge days I have all the time. So for now he's happy with my 1500/day I've been doing. He advocates higher protein and smarter carb choices. That's all I know for the moment! He says my goals are very doable.
Just want to mention that a while back there was a topic discussed on Video Fitness forum about online personal trainer. I think there is a Personal trainer on line that is very familiar with home exercise videos. She can guide you on a rotation around your workout videos. I am not sure whether she would recommend new ones to buy, but I think that is a great start. If you are interested, you could do a search in general discussion or start a new thread.


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