One year ago today, my sister (45) died from Diabetes


I reflect on this sad anniversary with a post on my blog regarding complications from obesity and diabetes type II. We need to drastically change the direction our country is going in with regards to our health...the cost is just too high.

As you all are fitness enthusiasts, I ask that you reach out to someone else who may be struggling with getting started in fitness and be a mentor to gentle in your approach and show patience along with a sense of urgency! Together we can change lives!!

The link to the post is below...the article is entitled "50 Days Before She Died."
Gillian, so sorry for your loss. :(

Great that you are a health advocate and making a difference. One of my favorite quotes:

"Health is contagious--be a carrier and pass it on!"
Thanks Sandra...this has been a roller coaster of a day! Many, many people have read my article and have filled my inbox with questions on how they too can control their weight! I think I will be up late getting to all of them but how exciting!
Your quote is indeed inspiring as is your blog...I will be sure to spend much more time there to read it all...great pics too!! fitness!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister.

Both my parents had it and my two sisters have it. I was "this close" to being diagnosed. Thankfully I got my head out of the sand and did something about it. Now my blood sugar is perfect.

You shared a very powerful message with your post here and your blog post. I hope her husband is doing well.
So sorry about your sister!

I wish the government and manufacturers would get rid of high fructose corn syrup! It is in everything.

Whoppi Goldberg would say on the View that nothing in Europe contains HFCS and boy was she shut down by the powers that be.
Thank you everyone...yes we do indeed have work to do draw attention to the HFCS in our is just horrible for us!
I'm a firm believer (both that we do better when we know better... and it just takes getting the message out as many times as needed to drive the issue home! It looks like this forum is a great place to get the conversation started!

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