One Week!!!


I can't believe we only have one week left before we are working out with Cathe, meeting her and her crew and meeting all the wonderful people on this thread. I sure hope this week goes by fast.

Hey, Jean. Don't I know you?!? LOL YES.........1 week. My motivation was waning about 2 months ago, but these last 3 weeks or so....WATCH OUT!


p.s. I splurged today on some workout clothes...something I NEVER DO! lol
Hi Jean and Gayle. I was just thinking about that an hour ago when I looked at the clock and realized that at that time next week, I'll be on my way to the airport!!

I hoping this week flies by!!!!
Wooo-Hoooo! Melissa, I am hoping it doesn't fly by tooo fast! Still trying to find clothes! YIKES! Gayle, where did you have luck? Guess I'll just pack a few of my stand-by outfits...after all, we are just going to sweat in them anyway! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I know what you mean you guys! I have workout clothes but I'm wanting something else..........maybe it's all in the excitement of things!!! Don't want it too tight, not too loose, something you can't see sweat in that much, then again who cares - we're all going to sweat!!!! }(

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debbie-I ended up finding some stuff at Dick's today. I'm very very cheap AND modest when it comes to coverage of my skin (lol), but I splurged on 2 tops that are pretty cool. $25 each. Plus some shorts. The rest of my outfits are also 'stand-by' outfits. Rest assured, I'm leaving my men's V-neck undershirts with the pit stains and holes at home! LOL

Hey girls! This is Bridget from Maine. I am taking the cancellation slot. I was just thinking the other day "Well I guess i'm not Going:( "i was number 110. I am sooo excited!! I ordered last week cathe's new DVD workout outfits that they are wearing from oh my bod. I'm praying they come in on time, but I haven't received an e-mail saying they've been shipped:( Oh well guess i'll be wearing my oldies but goodies! See ya'll very soon!!

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