One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Or..........


STEP - KICK - LIFT - KICK - LEG - KICK - CORE ! ..........a.k.a. October 2010 Kickfest

Rest & Recovery week September 20 - September 26

September 27th thru October 24th....7 days a week......Monday - Sunday

week 1

Step, Jump, & Pump
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Legs & Glutes
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Core Max 2 & 3

week 2

Step, Jump, & Pump
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Legs & Glutes
Kick , Punch, & Crunch
Core Max 2 & 3

week 3

High Step Challenge
Kick Max Low Impact premix
Muscle Max
Kick Max
Leaner Legs
Kick max Low Impact Premix

week 4

High Step Challenge
Kick Max Low Impact premix
Muscle Max
Kick Max
Leaner Legs
Kick max Low Impact Premix

This rotation is all about the it!.....:D

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Is there a circuit premix on 4 DS? or you could sub a circuit workout like Low Impact Circuit, or any circuit workout.

Generic breakdown:

Total Body workout
Leg Workout
Core workout (approx. 40 min)

I intend to treat the Kickbox days:
1st Kickbox regular workout technique emphasis
2nd Kickbox to be impact/intensity oriented
3rd Kickbox Low Impact

That's just how I'm going to do it, you could vary the KB workouts to suit as well. :)

I am a kickbox freak so I LOVE this rotation ! I don't have Muscle Max or Supersets, SOO I am thinking that I could use Muscle Endurance in place of those , AND I am thinking Legs & glutes in place of Leaner Legs ?!? Other than that, I have one week with my current rotation and then I'm doing this one ! Thanks Linda !!

Yup! any of the total body workouts or premixes will do, same with the lower body workouts, I did a lot of steppin' for a few months and was ready to get back to it, piling on Ilaria's new ones in the afternoons, I really like 'em. Hope my legs don't give out!

If that's the rotation you posted a while back, that looked crazy hard! This one should be a piece of cake for ya!

Thanks Linda,,, I thought that I would be safe with L&G AND Muscle Endurance just wanted to inquire first. I was not sure what Muscle Max and Leaner legs included so,,,just wanted to stay as close to your rotation as possible. A while back I looked at my work out schedule and also noticed that I was doing quite a bit of step routines and even complained about my thighs getting a little thick. I've been on a kickbox/cardio routine now for a couple weeks so your, rotation above will fit in perfect. ( I have to admit,,it's kind of hard to stay away from IMAX 2 though.)

BTW: Out of curiousity, Which rotation were you referring to that I posted at one time ? Some rotations I go hard core and others I lay low with Low Impact routines.
Thanks again !
Really picked Muscle Max for the similar length to the other Hardcore dvds in this rotation, and because the last time I did it I did the premix. You could use Power Hour, MIS, or the premix from PUB/PLB, upsides, I don't have those, but on those days you want to work upper body & lower body, with or without abs (plenty of core work here) Likewise use L & G the whole way through on each leg day, or PLB, B & G, PS Strong Legs, etc. I didn't want to get too far away from weight work, this rotation is much more endurance focused, now that you mention it.

Main focus is the core work that goes with the kickbox, I fully expect not to be able to do all the core exercises, maybe not even all the's a "plateau" buster, actually after my rest week, I forget how much I did before or can do so upping the length, weights, intensity, or impact seems to work (it's like after that little rest, I think oh yeah, I can do this) to come out at a new, somewhat higher level, weird, but it's worked so far.

I've been viewing Imax 2 again, nearly ready to give it a go.:rolleyes:
Maybe next month....

It was the specific workouts each week rotation:

I think your picks will work well, let me know how it goes.:)

Oh THAT one ! I ended up tweaking that one quiet a bit, just due to the fact that I just cannot devote an entire week to just stretch and yoga ( unless I'm on a rest week ) So I added in what I call a HardCore week. Doing my favorite DVD's all the way through. KCP, KickMax, BodyMax 2 ,,,easier said than done. Ended up doing premixes on all of them ,,especially BodyMax2 . LOL ! I tried.

Again, thanks for the new rotation,,,will definately let ya know how it goes. Excited to continue the kickboxing !!

Are you seeing any results from this rotation? Many of you are putting some great rotations out there, I'm trying to figure out which ones to do. I have all of those except core max but I can uise any ab workout for that.

Another one to put in the archives :)
Last week of this rotation, it's really tough. High Step Challenge is just that, a real challenge but it's got this great music to keep you going (and singing it all day!):). I'll have to do with this one, like Leaner Legs, put it back into another rotation and get it good. Results so far, first was increase in definition & core strength, better lower body workouts, better lunges & lower squats, both regular & plie, 2 lb. weight loss with big calorie burners, High Step Challenge, SJP, KPC, Kick Max. I love Muscle Max. I've only done the TV version of Supersets, have to add that one to my collection. I like having all the Kickboxing cardio for a switch. So much fun in this one...Cathe says in High Step Challenge "I hope you're ready to work, 'cause you are gonna!" She's right and that about sums it up!

I'd say biggest results Core Strength & definition, Leg Strength & range of motion (completely exhausting lower body work), Calorie burn & weight loss...

Also noticed my digestion improved, they say increase pressure on the abdominal wall improves digestion, must be right, I've never had this much core work in one rotation.

I's a keeper!...:D

One Potato Check in,,,,,

Well Linda,,,, I gotta hand it to ya ! You challenged me hardcore ( and I LOVE it ) this rotation really incouraged me to do the DVD's in their entirety without 'cheating' with pre-mixes. Note: I usually DO the premixes due to time, BUT, with this rotation, i promised myself I would try to do the whole DVD's. Had to sub a few of the work outs such as: Leaner Legs,,,I just subbed in Legs & Glutes. Muscle Max and Supersets were subbed with Muscle Endurance and High Step Challenge,,,,well,,,that was tough. I threw in Low Max in place of that one. Not sure why, just been a while since I've done that one. Did it with both risers though,,,MAN !!! Killer leg work out.

I have one more week to go. ( lord willing ) then I take a rest week and then dive into 'Insanity'. I am actually seeing results. It does not take my body long to respond to a harder rotation ( this one ) than what I was doing 2 weeks prior ( premixes, and time savers ) After all the 'Dinners & Drinks out' for my birthday at the beginning of the month, I needed to work off about five pounds. It definately worked ,,especially with all the kickbox in there. ( LOVE kickbox) I am seeing about a five pound diff on the scale, really noticing some good tone and have REALLY sore legs. Total ass kicker ,,,but,,,,I needed it. Main thing is though, I know what work-outs will get me to where I want to be and which ones won't and I KNEW that what you had in your rotation would get me back into my fightin groove. I have also REALLY been paying attention to my diet , which I'm sure has a lot to do with it too. Either way, just wanted to let you know how it's going. BTW: Get to do Kick Max, Low Impact Premix so I'm extra excited. First pre-mix in two weeks !

Thanks Linda !
So glad to here about your results, Congrats on the weight loss, yeah it's a plateau buster for sure...more ways than one for me, HSC really forces me to get movin'! Ditto, working on doing the longer complete workouts......and about the food, I could really tell which meals were fueling the workouts best...SO have to pay attention to this. Who knew Broiled Salmon (w/ a little chili powder on top)-broccoli-baked sweet potato was such a killer combo?

I think you just coined a new one TAK = Total Ass Kicker, that's the file this one's going in...:eek:

Good luck with Insanity too, actually caught myself watching p90X infomercial again...I like him....:eek:....not quite ready for him to kick my butt yet...:p....I think I have designs on Gymstyles & Bodymax 2 for the new year!


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