One leg workout or two?


Hi Cathe!

If I am trying to lean out my legs, thighs, and bottom is it more effective to do 2, half hour leg workouts per week or one hour-long leg workout per week?

I currently do 2 and it seems that my legs are always sore and its hard to get the energy to do cardio and upper body on non-leg days.

Right now, I am doing Fitness Freak's Fall/Winter 2007 Leg Blast rotation, and she has me doing 2 leg workouts (about a full hour) per week, plus a LB focused cardio like IMAX2 or Low Max. At first, I was always feeling really sore in the LB but now I am doing better. And my legs are looking FABULOUS!
Hi Lora-Kate-

While I know you will want to hear from Cathe, I thought I'd add my little testimony while you are waiting..

As as how many leg workouts/week, I think it depends on what kind of strength training you are doing... If you are lifting heavy weights, I say only one time/ week, but go hard and go heavy. That way you have 6 days to recover.

If you are doing lighter more endurance type leg workouts, I think 2- 1/2 hour sessions on non consecutive days would be OK.

You also didn't say what type of cardio you like to do.. if you are doing high impact step or running, you might want to switch to something that doesn't tax the legs so much the next day or 2 after your leg training. ( Walking, kickboxing, swimming, etc)

For me, I lift heavy for my legs 1x/week. The following day DOMS isn't too bad, but the day after is when it hits hard.. so I usually plan on either a low impact cardio or a rest day so that the soreness isn't so bad.

Take care, Lynn M.
Hi Lynn M.

Thanks for your response. You make some good points. I generally just mix and match Cathe's leg workouts but I like to push myself and I find that just like you, it is day 2 where I really feel it. I also do step and elliptical (10-15 minute warmup before weights)and teach a cardio and weights class.

If the results are going to be the same either way, I am thinking that maybe it might be better just to go all out for legs and have my rest day following it. It seems that Cathe is using the one day per week for one hour philosophy for her new set of videos so maybe that is the way to go.

Day 1 - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Teach
Day 2 - Cardio - Step video
Day 3 - Cardio/Weights - Circuit Video
Day 4 - Cardio - Interval Video
Day 5 - Back/Biceps/Abs
Day 6 - Legs
Day 7 - Off

Any thoughts on the schedule?
Hi Lora-Kate-

That looks like a really good schedule! :)

You might also want to try and do your legs on Day 5, and then switching back/bis/abs to Day 6 if you aren't planning on doing any cardio that day. If 2 days is when your DOMS sets in, then with Day 7 being a rest day so you'll really be able to take it easy when you are feeling the most sore and tired.

The only thing that might be funky with the suggestion I listed above is that if your Day 4 of Cardio Intervals wipes your legs out, your leg workout might need to go back to Day 6. Not sure if that is the case for you or not, but might be something to consider.

Have fun and keep us posted on how it works out for you!

Take care, Lynn M.
do cathe's workouts count as a heavy leg workout? i often match her weight or go a little heavier on leg presses and squats. would GS legs, B&G, L&G or PLB be intense enough for me to work legs only once a week? I don't do step but i run and do some sprints and do the ellipical.
Yes, I think all of those would qualify if they feel intense enough for you feel like your legs are pretty fried afterwards? If so, then I think you are good. All of those workouts are around an hour give or take. And, there isn't a ton of rest time in between sets, which really gives you an extra bang for your time spent.

Take care, Lynn M.

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