One leg stronger and bigger


I had a couple of knee surgeries on my right leg in jr. high and high school and my right leg has always been smaller and weaker since then. I completed a couple of years of physical therapy. I am an advanced exerciser and I can do all the routines on the DVD's okay, but the muscle tone doesn't seem to be gaining as much on the weaker leg.

Do you think I should focus on training that leg more? I tend to favor the other leg, I think, and my weak right leg is more prone to injury.
Any thoughts or anyone with a similar experience? I noticed Cathe has a knee surgery scar. Maybe that leg will just always be weaker?
Hi Amy,
I was working when I saw this post. I am just getting a chance to respond. I'm so glad you asked this question. Hopefully we can get some insight into what to do.

My right leg is what I call "dead" I have very poor nerve innervation because of some dead/ severely damaged nerve roots in my spinal cord. Actually I am lucky to be walking because I waited too long to have back surgery for some slipped disc. I was near footdrop on my right side when I finally said yes to the surgery.

Anyway, I could load my right side with 100# and work like it is 5-10#---oh but on the left side that is not "dead" that same 100# will drag me to the ground. So, Im always on the heavy side for my left leg and I can barely keep correct form most times (if at all).
That left leg is rock solid with a big ole funny looking muscle sticking out on the side of my thigh. My right leg is firmer than it was, but not hard and no funny looking muscle development. I'm just glad to be working out again. I'm hoping that over time the nerves/nerve roots will perk up and allow me to work that right side appropriately.
Hopefully someone will read this and offer us some help or direction.


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