One body part per day


Active Member
Hi everybody;

I want to create a one body part per day rotation and need a little advice. I want to use the pure strengh tapes plus one other. Which tape would give me different exercises then the pure strengh? I was thinking of doing:
PS Biceps + MIS Biceps
PS Tri's + MIS Tri's

What do you think? Or should I do PS with say CTX upper body for a change

HElP Please and Thanks
I've oftened wondered the same thing. I'm feeling ambitious tonight so I'll take this time to post (to the best of my knowledge) the various exercises used for each body part for PS, MIS, CTX and BodyMax. I wont be including the number of reps or counts etc...I'm not THAT ambitious!!

PS: Pushups, Barbell chest press, Barbell Incline chest press, Dumbell Incline chest press, Dumbell Chest fly, Superset Fly-Press

MIS: Pushups, Barbell Chest press, Dumbell Chest Fly

CTX: Barbell Chest press, Superset Fly-Press, Pushups

BMx: Dumbell Chest press, Barbell chest press, Pushups

PS: T-bar Row, Bent over barbell row, One-arm rows, Shrugs

MIS: One-arm rows, Barbell bent row, Reverse Fly

CTX: Barbell Bent rows, Close Grip Bent rows, One-arm rows, Quarter dead lifts

BMx: One-arm rows, Wide grip barbell rows, Rear delt flys

PS: Arnold press, Seated Clean&Press, Side lateral raise, Reverse Fly, Seated bent arm side lateral raises

MIS: Upright row, Barbell overhead press, Bent arm side lateral raise

CTX: Overhead press, Bent arm side lateral, Giant set side-back-front raise, Bent shrugs, Overhead press

BMx: Dumbell military press, Upright row, Side Lateral raise

PS: Barbell curl, Alternating Hammer curls, Negative Barbell curls, Concentration curls

MIS: Crazy 8's, Simultaneous Hammer curls, Rotation curls

CTX: Crazy 8's, Alternating bicep curls, Rotation curls, Concentration curls

BMx: Barbell curls, Alternating Hammer curls, Crazy 8's, Rotation curls

PS: Close grip dumbell presses, Dumbell french press, Crossbody kickback, Dumbell french press, Dips

MIS: Barbell french press, Close Grip Barbell press, Dips, Kickbacks

CTX: Close grip barbell press, Lying french press, Superset standing french/overhead press-kickback, tricep pushups

BMx: Barbell close grip press, Lying overhead extension, Dips, Crossbody kickbacks

Sorry for any errors! Hope this helps somebody out there!!

:) Stacy

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