One area needs help.


New Member
Dear Cathe,
My body is in the best sculpted shape of my life thanks to you!

I have one area at the top of my thighs that still has a layer of loose skin and untone muscle.

Please advise me on what I can do to get this area as sculpted as the rest of my body.

My current program consists of Nordick Track 30 minutes 3 times per week.
Using either the PS tapes or Slow and Heavy,
Power Hour, MIS and Leaner Legs. 4 times per week (in rotation)

Your suggestions Please.
My sincere thanks.
Hi Lisa! When you say one area of the "TOP" of your thigh, are you referring to the front, back, inner, or outer portion of your upper thigh? Have you done any kickboxing workouts? I don't see it listed. The kicks performed in these workouts really tone and tighten ALL areas of the thighs. Just ease into these workouts gradually. Your body may be getting too used to Nordick Track, shock it with kickbox and maybe some running and that may be all it takes. Good Luck!

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