? on opening a gym


I couldn't think of a better place to ask my question, than here!

I live in a very small town. Several friends have mentioned latley that someone needs to open a gym in our little town. Sounds like a good idea, but I'm sure it's not easy. What are the regulations. I'm not certified in anything, but would be willing to take some training. I told everyone it wouldn't be a good idea not to have someone that knows something there while people are working out. They were thinking of having some weights and treadmills. I went to a gym once that had a VCR set up in one room with workout videos. Is that legal?

Really, what I want to say is borrow some of my videos and workout at home. But I've tried that before. They just won't workout alone. I just don't understand. All I need is Cathe!!!!
I would enjoy helping people. I've watched people exercise before, and not use the right form, but I hesitate to say much. If I had some training, I would feel I had the "right" to correct them. Also, I'm not the best advertisement for Cathe right now. Even though I can do all of her tapes, I don't LOOK like I do. Need to loose at least 10lbs of flab.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Too funny!

Susan, I don't mean to make fun, but your last paragraph made me laugh. Trust me, there aren't too many of us out here that LOOK like Cathe!!! I'm not sure of all the requirements for running your own gym, but I am sure there is a lot of legalities. You might want to check with an attorney to find out about liabilty & so forth. Sorry, I can't help you on your question but thanks for the SMILE!! http://www.3dpcgames.com/cwm/s/otn/happy/flash.gif

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I work at a gym that is less than two years old. I'm not the owner, just an aerobics teacher. But I've been there from the start.

Gyms, like any other small business, can expect to take about two years before they make a profit. Be financially prepared for that.

Also, our gym always, always, always has a personal trainer on the premises. I don't think that's required, just our owner's preference. Everybody has CPR training.

If you're going to offer aerobics classes, be sure to get an aerobics certification. I happen to like AFAA's primary certification because you actually have to do a short demonstration class. It's one thing to answer questions on paper, and another one entirely to get up and lead a class.

If you want to start small, I would recommend this: Try opening for about 3 hours in the morning to catch the stay-at-home moms, close in the afternoon when there's no traffic anyway, and open up again for the after-work crowd for a couple of hours. That will reduce your payroll costs, as well as give you some time to get things done at home. Our gym is open from 5am to 9pm and it's just recently that the owner has begun taking time off. That put a big strain on his own enthusiasm, which trickled down to the rest of us. Your enthusiasm and motivation are key to making this a success.

Good luck
Thanks Kim & Debbie!

This really wouldn't be a money making project, more of a community service type thing.

Everyone is just too busy anymore! I know what will happen, people would come for a while then ballgames and school functions will get in the way, and that will be the end!

Glad to give you a chuckle Debbie. You'd really laugh if you saw me in workout clothes. I tried on a pair of those comfy pants like Cathe wears and laughed out loud in the dressing room!
Maybe you could find a public high school gymn to borrow a few nights a week. Several years ago in our town, a Dancercise instructor moved here and just set up a class three nights a week in the elementary school gymn. She received a tremendous response at the time and there was a fee charged because she was part of a Dancercise franchise, but she led a great class. If you raised enough interest, maybe you could test the waters by renting a building and buying some equipment.
hi im new here just joined i guess this is a good a place to ask my question?
i am trying to get certified to be an areobics instructor
does anyone have any information on it?
i have been a member at the ymca for 10 yrs. now but the one i go to does not certify anymore but the one that does the lady is out of town right now she will be back next week,
and the person i talked with said that i will probly have to get into their next class.

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