Hey Christine! I am in the nutrition business, and my doctors that formulate our products say cellulite is caused by the toxins trapped between the fat cells. So therefore the best thing for you is to do an Herbal Cleanse to cleanse out the toxins, and to get rid of the dimpling. You need to stay well hydrated, and try to eat very clean. Eat fresh fruits, vegies, lean protiens, and whole grains. There is a product that is one of my #1 sellers that is aminoacids that also helps with this. It forces your body to burn fat. It was formulated for the US wrestling team in 1996. It has nick names like: Fat chizzler, Potato piller for fat, liposuction in a bottle things like that. But anyways I just wanted to share this with you. I have helped many people with this same problem, so when I read your post I couldn't help share what I know. There is know reason to be discouraged or depressed this is fixable. Don't give up!
Have a great day!
~ Life's problems wouldn't be called "hurdles" if there wasn't a way to get over them.