<---On a weekend I wanna wish it all away

<--sends major squeezy hugs Carola's way
<--can only say WOW, that's a lot to handle
<--more hugs!!
<--wonders if Nancy doesn't like do step aerobics or if she just doesn't have the room for it
<--says phase 1 of new workout room is complete
<--that is getting rid of the couch
<--swept and mopped the floor and put down some puzzle mats and kinda did LIS
<--really like the feel of puzzle mats vs carpet
<--now needs to get power rack put together and will be all set :D
<--is happier than you know about that!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--tells Catherine that <-- loves step aerobics but can't follow direction and gets frustrated
<--is essentially poor at anything that moves quickly, like Scramble for example :(
<--just did a bunch of online shopping!
<--got a bunch of stuff including yet another pair of shoes :eek:
<--is turning into Emelda Marcos ;)
<---sends hugs to Stephanie and hopes she is having a fun Saturday
<---waves to Nancy and thanks her for the chocolate
<---hopes it will not stick to <---’s butt
<---wishes Catherine a happy anniversary
<---sends Heather hugs and prayers for Carola
<---is so sorry for all she is enduring now
<---is hoping for a miracle to save Pepper’s eye
<---prays for financial blessings for Carola and favor with the insurance company
<---is sorry Carola has to cancel STS preorder
<---tells Carola that eating is great
<---has not had another food allergy reaction
<---is taking a vacation from the pursuit of weight loss and is in a season of planned maintenance
<---is avoiding food allergy triggers and enjoying favorite fun workouts instead of formal rotations
<---is much happier mentally and emotionally when the scale is in the closet
<---tiptoes onto the scale every now and then and is effortlessly maintaining weight
<---is eating when hungry and not stressing about calories or perfection
<---has made peace with her body
<---believes fitness is about freedom, not a size
<---has a smaller waist and hips than <--- did a month ago
<---received a precious picture of niece and nephew with Easter Bunny
<---needs to scan and share pictures
<---enjoyed retail therapy today but did not find anything to buy

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
<--- waves a good late afternoon to all
<--- has had a super-busy day and loved it!
<--- worked in the garden and yard for over two hours this afternoon
<--- has no secrets for Nance re. Scramble as <--- sucks at it
<--- must run but wishes y'all a pleasant evening!
<-- thanks Nancy, Catherine and Heather for the hug - needed that :)
<-- is glad to hear that Heather's food allergies are under control
<-- really admires Heather's attitude
<-- tells Nancy <-- can only tell what Sam said - is pretty sure <-- will NEVER find out the REAL story
<-- he said he was riding his skateboard while his friend Shawn was riding Sam's bike, Sam got off the skateboard or fell of the skateboard and Shawn could't stop and drove the bike over Samuel's arm/elbow
<-- feels like a complete failure as a Mom because <-- didn't believe Samuel when he came in the house saying that he broke his elbow <--thought he was exaggerating
<-- was sure it was a sprain and had him lay down with an ice pack and muscle mist for 45 min
<-- only when it turned green and blue and started swelling up, did <-- decide to go to Urgent Care
<-- feels like hospital central in <--'s house
<-- is happy to report that after doing alternating chamomille compresses and ice packs for Peppi's eye, the swelling went down and <-- can actually see the eye ball - it is REALLY blood shot though
<-- Peppi looked so horrible a few days ago, with blood coming out all over her eye - UGH
<-- is still worried because vet said two days ago they could get a limited response on the pupil reacting and it could get better or worse if the retina detaches
<-- is sure glad <-- paid 450 bucks for emergency vet not giving an answer - NOT, could have saved the money, understands no prognosis can be made but somehow expected more or at least SOMETHING - if that makes any sense
<-- just ate some Salt and Vinegar potatoe chips - yes, no clean eating and mouth feels yucky and raw - good grief what was I thinking??
<-- oh well, today is already better and tomorrow will be a better day
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous evening

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