I don't see it as a much better than issue. The RWH workouts are different as tlc93 stated and also includes heavy weight work. The ones you mentioned are cardio and metabolic for the most part. If you are looking to burn off fat, you're in good shape with those. If you have any of Cathe's or another instructor's weight workouts or circuit ones, you are in good shape. Just remember to mix them up a bit so you can keep progressing. Cathe's premixes are good for that.
Realistically, I guess none of us really just need the new workouts if we already have a good video collection that includes cardio, metabolic and weight training. Having said that, RWH does appear to have the elements necessary to build muscle while burning away fat and increasing cardio capacity in a time efficient manner.
IMHO, you get good bang-for-the-bucks with RWH but it will be here waiting for you when your budget allows. At some point, it will be "deal of the day" and if a coupon is also available, you will be able to get it at a price more friendly to your budget. I couldn't buy STS and the Hardcore Series when they came out in pre-order or for a time afterward. Thanks to the DOTD and the 30% off coupon I finally got STS at a good price. I pieced together Hardcore until I had them all.